Chapter Six

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I shut the door behind me and found Izzy sitting on the couch in the living room. She got up slowly. "Hey! How are you feeling?" She hugged me softly looked me over. "I'm um, I'm okay. Just tired." "Okay! You don't feel like shit at all? Or feel like you're going to be sick or anything?" I shook my head. "Just tired." "Alright." Izzy took me down the hall to her bedroom. "Do you need something to drink or eat?" I shook my head again and laid down kicking my shoes off. "Do you want something comfy to sleep in?" I nodded. "I need to be home around 6 o'clock so if you could wake me up before then. "Yeah, no problem." She looked through he drawers and her closet for something comfy for me to wear. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I was just worried about you. Harry taking you made me nervous, and I am still a little freaked out about what happened last night. I'm glad you're okay though. I was really worried." "Harry wasn't that bad last night. I mean he put clean clothes on me and took off my make up and let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the couch. I was surprised." 

"I did threaten him that if he hurt you I would kill him. I left maybe fifteen minutes after you and Harry did."

"You went straight home, right?"

"Yes, I did. I didn't want to stay at the party without you. Did you at least have fun while it lasted?"

"Yeah I did." She threw some clean, comfortable clothes at me. I got up and slipped out of my party clothes and put on the other clothes. 

"Better?" I nodded and got back into her bed. "I actually could use some more coffee and maybe a light snack if you could." She winked at me and then left the room down the hall.  I laid there and played last night in my head over and over again. Of what I could remember at least. I could just feel Anthony's aggressive grip that he had on me. The thought gave me chills up and down my spine. I could only see bits and pieces of last night so I didn't know how far he really got. I grabbed my phone and called Harry to ask questions. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask about last night. I don't really remember all of what happened." He sighed. "What do you want to know?" "Well, I wanted to know if you could tell how far Anthony got with me. I just remember being slammed down and his grip on me." 

"I couldn't really see much for the most part he probably only got his hand up your skirt cause you still had it on and he didn't have his dick out." 

"Oh. Good."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, I guess. See you at work then." He hung up without saying anything else. I sat on the bed and heard Izzy coming down the hall. "I brought you some sugar and creamer with your coffee just how you like. I also got you a bagel with cream cheese." I took a bite out of the bagel and then sipped the coffee. "You're the best, dude." I call everyone 'dude' or 'bro' or sometimes 'man' regardless of gender. "Well thank you, and honestly, I really hope you are actually okay because I love you and would do anything for you. I'm so sorry I let you go with him that was my fault." "No, no, no Izzy. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I was so drunk and gullible and I followed him when I shouldn't have. Don't blame yourself." We hugged and sat on her bed while she told me about how her night went and I ate my bagel and sipped my coffee. I loved having conversations with her. "So, what's going on with you and Harry?" I stopped for a minute. Should I tell her about the job? I mean she is my best friend. "Did I tell you that me and Harry are going to be working together at the amusement park?" She looked at me for a second and gave a really long no. "Oh, well now you know." I started to laugh nervously, wondering what she was going to say. "I feel so bad for you. You have to call me all the time and tell me what happens at work." I looked at her for a minute then we both start laughing. My phone starts to ring. It's Anthony.

"Should I answer it?" She shook her head, but I sighed, answering it anyways. "Hello?" "I'm surprised you answered."

"What do you want?" 

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't know what I did until this morning when someone told me. Are you okay?" 

"I will be."

"Good. I am so sorry, Faith. I didn't mean to. I was really drunk and I know that's no excuse but I couldn't control myself and I will completely understand if you are mad and do not want to forgive me but I really am sorry." I sighed. 

"It's okay. We were both really drunk." I didn't hear him for a minute. "Anthony?" "Yeah, um, I was gonna ask if you did forgive me if you wanted to go out for lunch. My treat."

 "Yeah, sure. I gotta go home and change first. Text me where we are going and I'll meet you there." 

"Okay." He hung up. "I can't believe you." Izzy said with an angered face. "What?" "You forgave him! He almost raped you dude."

"It was an accident and he apologized. I gotta go. He's meeting me for lunch. I'll text you later." I walked out to my car, got in, and drove off towards my house. 

I got home and nobody was there. It was weird that no one was home but I realized it was summer and everyone must've been off doing things or working. I walked up to my room and slipped out of clothes Isabella gave me and put on something more casual. I went into the bathroom and put on some natural looking makeup then went downstairs and got in the car and waited for Anthony to text me on where to meet him. My phone dinged. 

-Go to the sandwich shop on the edge of town. 

I started my car and drove. Anthony lived on the other side of town by the amusement park so anywhere we ate was over there because he "knows all the good places". I had  ways to drive so I turned on my radio and jammed to some classic rock and had the window down blowing my hair in the wind. This summer felt so nice considering what happened last night. It smelled like fresh air and trees. If i could stay in that moment, I would. The wind in my hair, the smell, the way the sky looked, and how the sun was shining. I wish Harry was here. Wait. Did I just think that? I shook my head. No. I don't like him like that he made it very clear he doesn't like me. I need to stop thinking about him and get him out of my head. But how was I going to do that when I have to work with him all summer. I rolled my eyes. Great. I just ruined my good moment. Harry was going to succeed at ruining my summer without even doing anything. I couldn't stop thinking about him. My phone stared ringing. Speak of the fucking devil. "I'm driving, Harry what do you want?" "Just gonna ask what you are doing and if you have talked to that guy at all." I sighed. "Why do you need to know?" "Just wanted to know." "I'm going to have lunch with him right now at the sandwich shop at the edge of town to talk about last night." 

"Fuck." He said quietly but I still heard. 


"Nothing. I'll see you later."

He hung up. He'll see me later? I thought he might have something up his sleeve but I brushed it off and kept driving.


Hey lovely's!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading and please don't forget to vote for my story or heart it and give me feed back!! Thanks and I'm trying to write more faster and make the chapters longer! Love you guys!!! xoxoxo

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