Chapter Two

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 This is so not fair, I thought to myself, driving home from school. I shook my head at the thought of working with Harry. I had to tell Anthony and Isabella. But what would they think? Maybe I should just tell Izzy. Anthony might make me quit my job. What was I thinking? Anthony wasn't the boss of me. But he could still get mad and try and pound Harry's face in again. I finally decided to not tell either one of them. I don't need them worrying about me working, in public, with Harry. That boy couldn't hurt me anyways, even if he wanted to. At least, I hope he couldn't, not that I think he could or anything. I don't want to give him the advantage of finding my weak spots. He won't, I won't let that happen. I am smart enough and I am a big girl. I thought to myself. I knew for sure, in that moment, I was smart enough to keep myself calm and collected around Harry and that was exactly what I was going to do.

My phone dinged and I quickly checked it. The number wasn't saved into my phone so I had no idea who it was. I pulled over my black Chevy Impala to the side of the road to read the message, I was not about to get into a wreck because of a stupid text message.

-Hi xx

I replied back asking who it was. I waited five minutes for the person to text back before getting back onto the road. 

After about three more minutes of driving, I finally pulled into the driveway in front of my house and my phone dinged once again. Took them long enough to answer, I remarked to myself.

-Take a wild guess ;) xx

    I stared at my phone, starting to get annoyed. I clicked on the number and decided to call them. The phone rang at least three or four times before someone answered. "Who is this?" I said with an annoyed attitude. "Well, damn. Someone is in a pissy mood. Can't you let someone say hi first before asking such a question." It wasn't a girl, that's for sure and I was pretty sure I had an idea of who it could be, but I wasn't for sure yet. How did I figure it wasn't a girl? Easy. The person had a low raspy voice and it sounded a little bit British. Also it was a bit too masculine for a girl to have unless she would be using a voice changer which I highly doubt even a voice changer could make a voice like that.

    "Harry, what do you want?" I asked with my annoyed voice. "I just wanted to say 'hello'. Is that a crime?" I groaned. "Cut the crap. I know you want something now what the hell is it?" I heard him chuckle as I got out of my car and walked up to the front door of my home. "How do you feel?" I stopped in my tracks confused. "What do you mean?" By the silence, I could tell he was smiling and liked the fact that he was confusing me. "How do you feel about me working with you?" "Why do you care? You probably only applied for that job so you could bother me every five seconds and stalk me while I'm working and get me into trouble."

"Who said anything like that?" He laughed.

"I can tell that's what you are trying to do. I'm not stupid, Harry. It's not gonna work."

"Don't be so sure. I know your weak spots like the back of my hand." He chuckled. "Don't worry, love, I won't bother you while you work. I'll steer clear of you if that's what you desire." I felt a little relieved, but not one bit did I believe that he would actually leave me alone. "Oh and tell your dumb-ass boyfriend to keep to himself for once instead of opening his big mouth. Thanks love." Then, I heard the dial tone.

Love? Why did he keep calling me that? And what does he mean to tell Anthony to keep his mouth shut? Harry is so damn confusing and I hate it. He is a mystery that cannot be solved.


xxx Hey loves!! sorry for not posting in a while I've been massively busy and school is about to start up again and I'm trying to get ready fro Warped Tour! But anyways I hope y'all like my story so far and please like and share and leave comments. In need of more ideas for the story!! Thanks loves!! xxx

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