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*7 years ago* (Jack G is Jack and Jack J is JJ)

Jack Gilinksy and I have been best friends for 3 years, ever since we were 8 years old and now that I have to leave him, it's going to be the hardest thing that I'll EVER have to do! But the part I'm most worried about is, is actually telling him..

"Karly! Let's go swimming!" Jack yelled from across the yard. "We have to go back to my house so we can change!" I said as I yelled back towards him "Well let's go!" He yelled as he ran up to me, grabbed my hand and pull me towards my house. 

We quickly ran inside to get changed. I ran up to my room while Jack ran to the guest bathroom, then my mother had called from downstairs "Karly, have you told Jack yet?" My mom asked as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen "No, not yet mom. I was planning on telling him while we went swimming." I said as my smile started to fade "Tell me what?" Jack asked while walking into the kitchen. "Uh, well Jack we're moving to California." I said as I felt my eyes start to water then a tear fell down my cheek.

"Wait, that means you're leaving me?" He huffed "Yes, it does sweetheart." My mom said while hugging him "You can't leave me Karls, you're my best friend." He said while wiping his tears away. "I'll miss you Jacky-poo!" I cried "I'll miss you too Karls." We hugged each other tight. I wanted to stay this way for as long as I could. I'm going to miss him.

*Present day*

I woke up to the sound of my obnoxious alarm clock. I get up and walk to my bathroom to get ready and felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pulled me closer. "Hey sexy." Sammy smirked "Hey handsome, what time do we have to meet Skate at the airport?" I ask as I push him off of me and start getting ready. "In an hour." He smiled and went to take a shower. 

I really like Sammy. We've been dating for 6 months now and I love it. We actually met when I moved to California. "Babe, ready? Skate's waiting for us." Sammy laughed "Yeah, let's go!" I finished putting my hair up into a ponytail. We grabbed our stuff, walked to the car and headed to the airport.

It took us 5 minutes to get there. We grabbed all of our stuff and walked to the terminal. "Yo, Sam!" A voice called from behind us. We turn around and it's Skate and Jordyn. "Ahh! Your hair has gotten so much lighter since the last time we saw each other!" Jordyn smiled "I'm a redhead, my hair changes to match each season." I said laughing 

"So good to see you guys again." Skate said as he grabbed Jordyn and kissed her forehead "Y'all are GOALS!" I practically yelled "Flight to New York now boarding." The intercom echoed. We all ran to the gate and boarded the plane. We are going on tour with some of Sammy's and Skate's friends, I'm really excited because I get to meet new people! 

The flight went by fast, I slept the whole way there.

We grab our luggage and head downstairs. We were walking through the airport waiting for their friends to pick us up. "We're going to get a coffee, be right back!" I say as I grab Jordyn's hand and pulled her to Starbucks "Sammy has been acting kind of weird, you know why?" I ask "I think it's because you're going to meet his friends and they're guys so maybe he's jealous?" Jordyn suggests "Duh." I laughed as we got our coffee and headed back towards the guys but when we got back they were a total of 6 guys. 

Sammy ran over to me and picked me up and hugged me "Hi baby." I smile as he set me down, I turn around to see who their friends are and I stop dead in my tracks. "Jack?" I ask kind of shocked. 

He stopped talking and turned around and his eyes widened "Karly?" He said as if he saw a ghost "Wait, how the fuck do you know each other?" Sammy asked clearly irritated "He's my best friend from when we were 8 years old." I look at Jack and smile "It's been awhile Karls." Jack said smiling. I turned around to see who the other guys were. Holy shit it's the Dolan Twins and Jack J.

"So you and Sammy huh?" Ethan asked smirking "Yeah, I mean look at him." I say as I grab Sammy's face and kiss his cheek. "I might fangirl a little bit but holy shit never did I think I'd meet the Dolan Twins!" I smiled as I hugged them "Always great to meet fans." Grayson grinned "Karls, you do realize your best friend is Jack Gilinsky from Jack & Jack?" Jordyn asked giving me a funny look "Holy shit! Why am I the only one who didn't become famous?!" I laughed 

"It's so great to see you again and finally meet you guys! Sammy talks so much about you!" I say as we headed out of the airport. We headed to the limo, which I'm not surprised that they sent a limo. "Hey it's cool if I invite my girl right?" Ethan asked "Hell yeah it's cool. It's just Jordyn and I with 6 guys, I think we need another girl." I laughed as Beg by Jack & Jack came on "This is my jam." Jordyn said as we both started singing

"Don't make me beg!" I sang at the top of my lungs and everyone started busting up laughing "Hey, I mean we can rock some Verse up in here." I smirked "Oh damn." Skate laughed. We arrived to the hotel that we were staying at for the night. "Let's go swimming?" I suggest as we checked in and went up the elevator to our floor. 

"I say yes because I love seeing you half naked." Sammy winked "Of course you do Sammy, when aren't you a horndog?" Jordyn fell on the floor laughing. I, on the other hand, didn't like that he always says shit like that to me. I think that he's only with me because he likes my body and having sex with me. "I'm going for a walk." I said as I left without letting anyone object.

I walked outside and just walked down the street looking at all the stores and enjoying my view. "Karly!" Someone yelled and I turned around and it was Jack? "Jack? Why'd you follow me?" I asked "You seemed upset so I thought I'd see if you're okay." He smiled "I'm fine." I said and I continued to walk with Jack beside me. 

"Are you sure?" He looked at me concerned "No, I'm not sure. I think Sammy is only with me because of my body. That's all he talks about," I sighed "He is usually with Skate and their friends smoking weed. Every picture he has of me on his phone are of me half naked." I started crying and Jack pulled me into a hug "Talk to him." He stopped hugging me and we started to head back to go swimming.

Hey guys! I decided to rewrite this story and I changed A LOT of things. I wrote the original in high school and it just wasn't right and I wasn't going anywhere with it. So hope you like the new version! :)

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