t w o [ 2 ]

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Hot Mess:

c h a p t e r  :  t w o  [ 2 ]

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"I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." -Mahatma Gandhi

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"One Direction's Niall Horan had last been spotted at a local New York newsstand before throwing a magazine angrily on the ground, stomping it with his foot, and taking off into his hotel where him and his fellow One Direction members are staying for the week, one witness had said. It was later revealed that the magazine had shown a picture of our favorite Irishman and Victoria's Secret Angel, Barbara Palvin. Does this mean their relationship is over? Stayed tuned to get all the details on the secret love life of—"

"Damn news," Zayn mutters under his breathe as he shuts the television off with one click of the controller. He flings it to the side and it lands roughly on the couch.

"I don't even consider it news anymore," Louis states bluntly from beside me with a sigh. "Never was." He eyes the scribbled note in my hand and suddenly snatches it from me, examining it himself. "Where do you think he took off?"

"Nowhere near here, that's for sure," Zayn replies, but the tone in his voice tells us all that he's not sure, either. I sigh, taking the note back from Louis and reading it over again for the tenth time.

Dear lads,

It's me, Niall. I'm going to be gone for a while now. This is too much for me to take in at the moment. I never wanted to be a part of their game, and I'm sick of it now. I don't know about you guys, but all those rumors finally got to me, I guess. But don't worry about me. I'm fine, just letting off some steam. I'll be back soon. Love you all.

Nialler xx

"Fucking paps," I mumble disgustingly, basically agreeing with what Zayn had said. I angrily throw the note on the counter in front of me. How could they do this? Hurt an innocent child so fragile as Niall? It sickens me to no end, especially when they had finally broke him.

I guess that's what they wanted, though, right?

"No kidding," Liam agrees as we walks into the room. He slumps into the couch with a sigh. "I wonder where our little Nialler is off too."

"Hopefully somewhere he won't get himself in trouble," Louis teases, but there's a tone of seriousness in his words, too. He cracks a smile, which leads the rest of us to do the same. We try to make light out of the situation, but it's kind of hard when your best friend is missing, waiting to be fixed.

I nod my head in agreement, resting my elbows on the marble counter. "We can only hope."

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"Make sure to keep those blonde locks of yours out of sight, dear," Larissa teases with a smile, tucking my hair underneath my hood and adjusting it for me. She nods her head and nudges her arm on my hand that contain my sunglasses. "Along with those eyes, too."

I nod my head, obeying, and slip on my black Ray Bans over my blue eyes. "Better?" I ask.

"Better," Larissa agrees. "Now, I expect to see you making even more history later on in life, you hear me, Niall?"

"I sure do plan on it." I let my Irish accent slip through my lips, lacing into my words, smiling. Larissa only smiles back. The lovely couple had been curious about me throughout the whole seven-hour flight to our destination. After many conversations ending with, 'it's complicated,' I had finally gave in and told them about me. They understood, and promised to keep it to themselves. I trusted them; what can an elderly couple do?

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