t w e l v e [ 1 2 ]

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Hot Mess:
c h a p t e r : t w e l v e  [ 1 2 ]

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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller

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First of all, let me just start off with saying something—it was Niall's fault. 

Wait, let me recap this a bit for you.

After our little hangout session in my hotel room, Niall left after we've intensely and descriptively described our other hobbies, interests, etc.. And after a good two hours together with nothing but two bowls of popcorn that Niall has insisted for me to make to distract us, I had successfully found out that his favorite colors are green and blue, his middle name is James, he had two goldfish named Tom and Jerry who died of obesity, his birthday is September 13, he's claustrophobic, he is a "die-hard" fan of a band 5 Seconds of Summer, and many other useless facts about him that he insisted I needed to know in order to become great friends with him.

And before he left, he managed to sneak his phone number into my phone, so I was constantly getting pointless text messages from him the whole night. "Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy," he'd text me. "Wassupppp i can't sleep," or, "Bring me food ?"

I didn't get much sleep that night.

After that, we didn't see each other much. We'd mostly text each other until the third day when Niall decided enough was enough and he had to hangout with me before he died of boredom. "I can only spend so much time with myself, Emery," he told me once we finally saw each other once again at his house.

We spent most of the day just sitting in his living room and watching movies on Netflix with another infamous bowl of popcorn plopped in-between the both of us on the couch, a warm blanket thrown over us. He said his parents were out running errands and doing parent stuff, so we'd have the whole house to do nothing but lounge around for most of the day by ourselves.

It wasn't until we were halfway through our third movie—Napoleon Dynamite—that Niall spoke up. "Okay, I think I've watched enough movies and ate enough popcorn for one day," he announced, shifting himself from a laying position on the couch and swinging his legs off my lap to sit upright to shut the TV off with the remote. "And that has be to quite a lot for me to be able to say that, by the way."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, turning to Niall with an almost hurt expression on my face. "That was my favorite movie! I was enjoying that!"

"Em, we've been stuck in here all day. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I need to go outside," he told me, raising his arms over his head to stretch himself out. 

I groaned and plopped myself down onto a pillow. "But I like it in here," I mumbled. "It's cozy." And it was; both Niall and I hadn't even bothered to change into regular clothing. I was feeling warm in my sweatpants and sweatshirt while I bet that Niall was feeling the same way his as well. 

And after a bit of battling back and forth between the outside world or the couch, Niall won; well, technically he dragged me outside. 

"I don't like this," I said, wrapping my arms around myself in the freezing outside air. Clouds were building up strongly above us and it looked like it was going to pour soon. 

"Awh, it's not that bad," Niall said from his spot on a bench on the front porch, but his chattering teeth said otherwise. I gave up and finally sunk down next to him.

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