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"You laughed at my face
And swept me out that haze
The grin on your face
Still haunts me in the depths of my despairs

You visit my dreams every fortnight
In them you try with all your might
To remind me how you left
To remind me how the cold floor felt

And to see you so careless
I wish it made my heart hurt less
And years after we went south
I wish I could stop

I wish I would stop tasting you
Like poison in my mouth."

I hung my headphones on the mic in front of me and walked out the recording booth after Cha Cha signaled to me that I was done for today.

"Great work there, Mina. We'll get the next verse done by the weekend so you'll be good by the release."

"Thanks Chase, you're a life savior. Ssam D would have my head on a plate if I don't get this song done before the release." And he laughed because he knew how the 34 year old can get when it comes to work.

"Alright, I'm gonna head out, it's long past my bedtime. Goodnight moon, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't overwork yourself and get home ASAP, okay?"

He let the words roll of his tongue knowing it would settle only sublimely within me. These days with my album release coming up, I hadn't even gotten the chance to go home. I showered, ate and slept in the studio. God bless Jay for revamping the company into multiple floors - one of the floors above was equipped with a pantry, kitchen, two bathrooms and three bedrooms and had essentially become my second home. SsamD had even advised me to just move into one of the bedrooms so I wasn't paying unnecessary rent but I liked the idea of having a home to get to even if I rarely ever went back.

"We both know that isn't happening. But I'll get some sleep...right after I finish mixing this. Get home safe."

He sighed and left the studio with a wave knowing no amount of convincing would motivate me enough to get in my car and drive home. My nature just didn't let me and neither did my bosses. Don't tell SsamD or Jay I said that.

It was only minutes after Chase had left my studio when Jay popped in, "Do you want to get something to eat with me? It's 1 AM. I know you haven't eaten yet." And I could only return a sheepish smile at his intense glaring eyes, trying to calm my irregular heartbeat.

I've had a crush on the CEO of the company I worked under for ages. Even before I signed with AOMG, I knew and accepted the phenomenon that was Park Jaebeom. But after I accepted his offer, I put my feelings in the backseat. No way in hell would I allow my feelings to overpower what I worked all these years for. However, even after months of seeing him every day, my heart still fluttered and my voice still caught in my throat when I looked at him.

I knew full and well that he wouldn't ever have feelings for someone almost 6 years younger than him so I got the gist and backed off - never even tried to confess.

"You need to work on your 'casually asking my employee to dinner at 1 am because she's sexy as fuck' skills. Yo, fuck you thinking I'm easy for?" I said with a roll of my eyes and a smile threatening to break out onto my face.

Jay was definitely all about business tonight so he replied with, "Alright. You're my employee. You're sexy as fuck. I want dinner at 1 am and I'm lonely so get your ass in my car." and a smirk on his face which was mirrored by my own now.

"Well since you asked so nicely, you're paying." I picked up my bag laying on the couch and walked out past him swaying my hips, only catching a hint of 'aish this girl' which he very badly tried to hide so I stuck my tongue out at him and proceeded to run down to the basement where I knew his car was.

I opened the door and slid into the passenger seat of his shiny black Mercedes as he simultaneously got into the drivers seat.

"So what're you in the mood for?"

"Wow Jay being considerate." Eye roll. I couldn't help but be a smartass with him, it's just how we worked.

"You know what? Since I'm paying, you're going to eat whatever the fuck I want to eat."

"Dude, as long as it ain't snails or human meat skewers, I'm cool with it." And he laughed because he knew damn well that I could eat all the food in the world if I wanted to, in a day's time.

A silence befell us, the faint sound of Dean's voice poured out the radio and even with my crush right beside me, I felt the most at peace I had ever been. Gazing out at the passing lights, shops and skyscrapers - it hit me how much my life had changed only in a couple months.

I went from putting records out on SoundCloud with 10-15 likes per piece to performing in the biggest clubs and putting out a #1 debut single with another mini-album on the way.



"I don't think I've said this enough before but - thank you." I could feel his confused gaze on me. "For all you've done for me and for all you still are doing. From helping me with songs to constantly pushing me to do my best."

He looked at me as if I had grown two heads, "what's up with you? It's scary."

"Fuck you mean?" Eye roll again. The dude could never take a straight compliment from my mouth.

"I mean...it's weird. You've never been sentimental so I'm just not used to it I guess. And don't worry, I'm gonna keep supporting you for as long as I can, as a mentor and as one of your closest friends. Talent like yours doesn't deserve to be be unappreciated." And I couldn't help but give him a genuine smile, and he acknowledged it without me speaking any more.

"Barbecue at 1 am? You're my favourite fucking person in the whole world." I loved barbecue so much.

All I got in return was a smirk. This is why I liked him. The dude knew me like the back of his hand in the span of a couple months.

I couldn't even wait until he was done pulling into the parking space. I threw the door on my side open and ran up to the entrance patiently hopping on one foot to another.

comfortable • JAYPARKWhere stories live. Discover now