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The waitress gave us an odd glare due to our timing. It was nearing 1:30 in the morning and we had just stepped foot into the restaurant.

"Table for two, please."

"What can I get you to drink?"

"2 bottles of so-" Jay started.

"2 waters, thank you." I cut him off.

We both had work and I'd rather not us be around each other hungover.

He glared at me for cutting him off.

"Do you want to be at work with a hangover?" And that shut him up for good.

"So how's the album coming along?"

"Pretty good actually. I'm finishing up the last song tomorrow, then I need to do a couple of finishing touches and it's good to go." I had a foolish grin on my face. My excitement for this release was through the roof.

"You seem excited. Well I've got more exciting news for you boo." His grin replicated mine.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm throwing you an album launch party. Everyone's going to be there. Illionaire, Amoeba Culture, YG, Ambition, h1ghr. It's going to be super sick and it'll be your first official AOMG party." He looked like a child on Christmas Day.

"Omo. You're kidding. For me?"

"No, for my album in 2018." He said with sarcasm dripping his words.

I couldn't help but reach out above the table and hug him tight enough to possibly cut off his breathing.

and so I loosened my grip but still held onto him, squealing into his neck.

We were separated by a cough and I sat back in my original seat opposite him.

The waiter probably thought he was interrupting something which was proven by his flustered actions as he proceeded to fill up our glasses, jot down our orders and briskly walk away without looking up at us.

I ended up laughing my ass off at him and Jay joined in soon enough.

"So how's your love life?" Probably not a good question to ask your boss but he was everything other than a traditional boss.

Not taken aback by my question, "just the occasional one night stand" he shrugged, "you?"

Yes, this was a totally normal conversation for us.

"I've gotten 0 action for the past year or so. I've been so engrossed with work. I haven't even been on a date for so long, I've forgotten what it's like."

"So what the heck is this? Do you not consider this a date?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen is how Yoo Minah died - asphyxiation of water.

"A d-date?"

"Yeah, why not. It's dinner. So it's a date." And this sly motherfucker proceeded to lean back against his seat and smirk at me. SMIRK.

"Well it ain't a date unless I say it's one." And now it was my turn to smirk.

"Feisty. I like it."

I should've been almost used to this. He wasn't this comfortable with any other females, even girls he was interested in. It was more of a fuck and leave to him but we hit it off well the first time so I guess he was at ease with me.

"Shut up, you like everything that has a pair of boobs and an ass on it. Add tattoos and you'd be ready to strip."

"Always." I could only roll my eyes. "But I like tattoos like the ones you have. Not the trashy ones." I think I saw his entire body PHYSICALLY cringe at the visuals in his mind. "Especially the wings on the nape of your neck. So cool. I want that. We could get couple tattoos." He continued to ramble. "How many do you have?"

"I have 6 in total. The arrow behind my ear, yes, I know I copied you." I exclaimed as Jay had always been on my case since the day I stepped into AOMG about how I copied his tattoo. Eye roll again.

"I have the wings at the nape of my neck. I have my mother's birthdate and an infinity sign below it on the inside of my elbow, a line of stars along my ankle and the last one is a flower alongside my boob." At the mention of boob, he choked a little on the meat and rice in his mouth. "The fuck, you bang different girls every night and can't even stand me saying boob?"

"No, it's the images."

And that caused me to throw my napkin at him, "YAH!"

"I'm kidding I'm kidding. Ew, that's gross, you're my dongsaeng."


"Yeah well you're not oppa material anymore, sorry"

"YAH! How can you say that?!"

"Just like how you can ew at mental images of my body okay now shut up and eat, your food's getting cold."

"But I wasn-" I was getting tired of him talking so I shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"Eat. Park. Jaebeom." I said as I proceeded to eat my food savoring the taste trying to make it last longer.


"Dude that food was so good. Thanks Jay, it was a great night." We were now standing in front of my apartment.

"Minah." He never called me by my real name?

"Yeah?" I looked at him worried.

"Don't fall for me." And I could feel my palms start to sweat.


"I know you like me. Just." He paused. "Don't fall for me. You'll only end up getting hurt and I don't want to hurt you. My life right now is not made for commitment or relationships. I'm doing fine with all these girls throwing themselves at me."

And I could feel the pain in my heart start to rise. I knew I shouldn't have expected too much from it but I guess I got my hopes too high.

I didn't know how to reply to him. What do I say to my crush who doesn't want me to like him?

"I-How'd you know?"

"It wasn't obvious, if that's what you're worried about. But, I know you well enough to know when you like someone. At first I thought I was over analyzing it but now, it's clear to me. And the last thing I want to do is hurt you. You're one of my closest friends and I don't want to lose you to unreciprocated feelings."

And now I understood where he came from. He didn't want feelings to ruin our friendship. I get him.

"I get you Jay. It's for the best. Even if we were to reciprocate each other's feelings, it wouldn't work regardless because I would simply not be able to date my boss." His face fell a little at that but he covered it up quickly with a small smile. "Plus. Our friendship is what's most important to me and I'm not gonna let anything jeopardize it."

"Pinky promise?" He stuck his pinky out.

This dude was literally 5.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide my grin, "pinky promise", I said linking our pinkies.

comfortable • JAYPARKWhere stories live. Discover now