With TheCrazyChickenLady

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A one word story with TheCrazyChickenLady

There once was a chicken who was green with awful spots. All the other chickens hated him so they planned to steal his only hat. He loved that hat, and when they stole it, he got it back using his superpowers. He called  himself The Chicken Hero. His powers included fire-breathing, levitation, and camouflage. He had a   Best friend, Massachusetts, who helped him with crime fighting! Massachusetts' powers were super-strength and heat-vision. Also he was a miniature purple alligator!

One day, they saw a angry crocodile, they were so mad, because he was robbing a bank.
The Chicken Hero yelled, " Massachusetts, attack!" Then Massachusetts jumped on to the bank robber. The robber died. "The robber is tots dead!"said Massachusetts. TCH (The Chicken Hero) said, "The city is, like, TOTALY SAFE!"  And then they went to buy some fancy victory hats.

The End (or is it?) Look to TheCrazyChickenLady for more on TCH!

Authors Note-
Lol my stories in here may not make sense, but they are awesome😂😂!

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