The Cat

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Gene's POV

I was staring at the cat who was laughing at us, confused on how it was laughing in the first place. I then started to scoot back when it started walking towards me. The cat paused, looked at me for a moment, then sat down and lifted its head, revealing a black collar with a dark blue coin hanging from it. I look at Sasha and Zenix, who had also scooted away, and nodded my head towards the cat. They got a little closer to the cat and I walked up to it, taking the coin in my hand and reading the inscription on it. "Zane, if found please return to the white queen's castle. What?" I ask, confused as I look at Sasha and Zenix, who had the same expression as me. The cat called Zane starts to walk away, but pauses and looks back at us. It then nods its head forward, like it was saying, "This way." and started walking again. We all follow "Zane", not sure what else to do.

We were walking for a while, then I looked up and saw a White Castle that was not there before. "What!?" I exclaimed, almost falling backwards. Sasha and Zenix look at me and then look up, becoming surprised as well. "Zane" keeps walking to the castle, paying no mind to the fact that it suddenly appeared. He walks up to a guard blocking the entrance and the guard says, without even looking down at him, "Your human form, please.". I am confused for a second, but my eyes widen at what happens next. The collar starts to glow an ice blue as the cat's body misshapens, grows, and forms a human shape, one that I know. The Zane lookalike turns to us and I can see what he's wearing, a black trench coat, black pants, black boots, and a black mask. He is still wearing the collar, although it did grow a bit to fit his neck. The weird part is that he is covered in belts, buckles, and chains, even the mask has buckles. He looks all of us over before saying, in a smug like tone, "Coming?"

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