discribing you!

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(Your pov)
As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs I was pinned to the wall by (bf/n) who was sliding his hands up my shirt I just pushed then away Along with him.
(Bf/n):"oh common you know you want me"he stayed with a drunken tone
"Uh...no I don't, get the fuck away from me "I sayed well pushing him away once more
(Bf/n):"yes you*hick*do"as he said that he began to pull up my shirt.
"I said get the fuck away you  filthily fucking drunken asswhole!"I then slapped him and headed up the stairs. I got to about the middle of the stairs when he spoke saying
"You are going to pay for insulting me like that!"right after he said that I turned around and with the calmest voice I could I said. "Oh no no no! Im not insulting you ,in fact im describing you"I then smiled innocently and walked up the rest of the stairs and to the room were I closed the door and locked it."fuuuuuuuck"I sayed as I slid down the door and sat on the floor"well that's the end of my happy ending"sighing I went to the bed and got under the covers and fell asleep

Okay so that's the end of this chapter uh.....shanks for reading and have a good night/ day my beautiful knifes!🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

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