I don't know what to name this

266 14 10

(Your pov)
You stood back to admire your work when you hired a gasp coming from the front door. You turn and see a boy about you're age standing there.he had brown hair and saphier blue eyes. You looked at him and back at your work. "Its not what it looks like"you sayed as you dropped the knife"oh really? It looks like you just murdered you boy friend!" you slowly bent down and picked up the knife as he was examining the body"I shouldn't leave any wittiness now should I"you sayed to yourself. Quietly you made your way over to him you brought the knife over your head and swung it down aiming for him. You closed your eyes waiting to hear the splatter of blood go every where.you hired nothing you open your eyes to see that he dogged the stab but he wasn't afraid in fact he was smiling .not the normal smile a regular prison would give you it was a long horrendous smile. No more where his eyes saphier blue but instead they were dark ominase eyes that were now boarded in black.he now just terrified me then he sayed it. A simple phrase but he sayed it only a madman would say it.he sayed"go.to.sleep"he came running at you knife ready just as you thought that he was going to kill you everything went black

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