Prologue (March 9, 2014)

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I sit on the third row with my sisters and the rest on my youth group, hardly listening to Pastor Angelo. All that is on my mind right now is the new guy that is arriving today. A family started coming to this church about a year and a half ago. First, it was Marry Winn, the mom. Two of her kids moved here from Iowa because their dad had died, but the third stayed behind. Amber and Isaac came sometime last year and my fourteen year old sister became pretty fond of Isaac. My youth pastor and Amber became friends real quick, and Amber and I talk sometimes, but not much. Pastor Angelo thought Isaac was my age at first and thought I would consider him, but he wasn't and isn't for me in any form or fashion. When I found out there was an older one, and that he was coming to the church, I promised myself I wouldn't go all boy crazy.

Church lets out at noon, and we all go to lunch. My family lives about half an hour away so we come back to the church. Mom and dad go to take a nap in the back where there are beds and a bathroom. If someone wanted to live in the church they could. My six year old sister, Hope, and twelve year old sister, Macy, watch movies in the back, too. Marguerite and I walk to and from the kitchen and the sanctuary and talk about the new guy for about two hours. She informs me he's sixteen, almost seventeen, and teases me about him being my age. Thing is, I've heard around church that him and Isaac look the same.

We walk out of the kitchen, for about the twenty seventh time. Other church members are already here, and we see Amber and Isaac walk in the church. Then there he is; the sixteen year old with Marry following behind him. Marguerite and I wave at him and he waves back. I smile and Marguerite walks over to him, but I avoid him. I go talk to some others of the church family. Mom calls me over and says," Hey, why don't you go talk to Shane? Make him feel welcome." I keep my head down and smile at myself, then look over to him.

So his name is Shane.

My sisters are bombarding him with questions and I can tell he's uncomfortable with them being so close. Mom puts her arm around me, in a half hug, and whispers," He's kind of cute. Don't be so shy."

I look at her and nod. He does look like he needs some saving. I watch as Hope grabs ahold of his legs and makes him wobble to keep his balance. I smile, walk over to them, and cross my arms. "Hope, may you please give me a hug? I think he's had enough Hope hugs for now." She stops and gives me the biggest hug anybody could ever get then runs off to the other little kids her age. By now Marguerite and Macy have lost interest and finds someone else to talk with.

I turn back to the dark brown headed boy in front of me. He's tall; about my dad's height, so I would say about six feet tall. He's giant compared to my five foot five frame. He's well built, but not too much; I would bet you money he's on the football team, and has been for a while. I look up at his face and his glasses frame his big blue eyes. They are not the icy blue you see a lot, but they could hypnotize you with the specks of darker shades. He already has full side burns down to his jaw bone. He probably just shaved for church this morning. His facial features are childish but mature at the same time, and he has that look in his eye like nothing can get in his way. Over all he looks older than he really is, my gosh he looks eighteen!

I feel butterflies in my stomach, but not because he's cute, but because I'm back to being shy. It takes a lot just to get three words out. "Hi, I'm Justice." I place my hand in front of me, offering a hand shake. He takes it with no hesitation and answers," Shane, nice to meet you." His little smirk turns into a full smile, and he lets go of my hand. I feel my cheeks tug more as my smile gets a little bigger.

I ask him about where he's from, what grade he's in, when his birthday is, and other basics and he does the same to me. Turns out his birth day is May third. We walk over to the youth group, standing scattered on the first and second rows of the sanctuary. I stop talking and let Shane talk to everyone else. He's good with people and fits in a conversation easy.

I tiptoe out of the group and sit in my usual spot, behind them, on the third row. I pull out the sign language book out from under my seat and look at some words. I have a friend that is deaf and we are trying to learn to sign. I start on practicing finger spelling and numbers. "Hey, what you got there?" I stop in the middle of my word and look next to me. Shane sat down beside me and looks at the book. "Sign language? Cool."

"Yeah, I'm learning with a friend at school. He's never had a buddy to do it with." I close the book and place it on the other side of me.

He watches me set the book down," You have a friend that's deaf? How do you communicate?"

"He has a cochlear implant. He had surgery when he was three and it picks up sound almost as if it is his ear." He opens his mouth to say something else, but Pastors mike is on and he calls everyone in for service to start.

The youth group files into the third row, and Shane stands with me as we start song service. He just stands there at first as everyone else sings and claps. I elbow him and we smile as he brings his hands up and claps with us. I feel like I'm back in kindergarten making friends on the spot. Not caring about whom they might be or where they came from. You're just thankful they are standing next to you not caring about the same things.

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