Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I don't know when I fell asleep, but I know I did in his arms. Feeling embarrassed was the last thing on my mind right now...

I felt numbness in my side, knowing what was happening, I crawled away from drunk Chris, that's when he's the maddest. I could hear his footsteps nearing me, and I could feel myself crying, my tears wetting my cheeks. I turned and it wasn't Alpha Chris, it was Nick. Nearing me with a knife, it already had blood on the tip.

I looked behind him and saw Chris' dead lifeless body on the ground, I looked to Nick and he had a smile on his face. I smiled too, and reached my arms out to hug him, he kneeled next to me, wrapping one arm around me. Then with the other stabbed me in the chest with the knife. I looked down at the knife then at Nick, but Nick wasn't Nick. It was a the crying Alpha that helped me last night.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop him." He kept repeating. I gulped, not feeling the knife, but feeling his pain. "I'm so sorry Amelia..." He whispered, tears falling down his face. I couldn't move my body, only my eyes. Is this what it's like to be dead? You see the last few seconds after your dead? Then he looked up, away from me, something beyond me. He glared, his face twisted with hatred, "I hope your happy."

I woke with a start, I started breathing heavily, tears streaming out of my eyes. It was just a bad dream. I thought it through, and couldn't remember the dream. I would bet it had something to do with Alpha Chris.

I looked around, realizing I'm in a bedroom, last nights memories started coming back to me. The room was just a simple bed room, a bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. I was sitting on top of a bed, not under any sheets, someone- the Alpha- brought me in here and sat me down.

Once I put I feet on the ground, the door opened, and the Alpha stood there looking at me, it would have been normal... but he only had on a towel. His slick black hair was wet on the top of his head. "Oh, your up." He walked into the room. "Last night you fell asleep, so I put you in here. I also decided that you could stay."

I raised my eyebrows, and smiled, he shrugged, "I'm an amazing Alpha, I know." I laughed. Right as he was walking away I stopped him, "Um, my names Amelia."

He turned around, smiling, "Tyler." He turned back around started back down the hallway. I watched him walk to the room across from mine and enter it, he closed the door behind him. I stood a few seconds, thinking. He said he'd let me stay.


I took a shower an put on the same clothes I had on yesterday, I noticed my side is almost completely healed. It took me a second to figure out everything in this house, at the end of the hallway is Alpha Tyler's room, and three separate doors that I'm guessing are guest bedrooms, lined the hallway to my current room.

I had to listen to noise to figure out that there was a door less doorway leading down the stairs onto the main deck viewing the living room. Three guys sat on the couch playing a video game. I slowly an quietly walked down the right staircase, not wanting to draw to much attention to myself. Of corse, the last wooden step creaked when I put my weight on it.

They all looked up at me, Tyler was in the middle and I don't recognize the two beside him. I didn't know what to do so I stood there. Tyler laughed, "Come on, you can sit there." he pointed to the chair beside the couch they where on. I walked over slowly and sat down on the edge of the seat. I couldn't believe my own weakness, scared of wolves.

I'm ok with Alpha Tyler because we had a good start last night, but now with people I don't know, I'm having to bite the inside of my cheek to quit from chattering my teeth. Tyler had black straight hair sticking up from his head, he has dark blue eyes, and a very tall muscular body, to face the facts, he's just hot.

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