Going to the Ball

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I am currently 4 years old. I am also currently running away from the maids of our mansion. They plan to dress me up with an infinite amount of dresses and make-up, and that is not part of my agenda today.

Today was supposed to be a normal day, like an other day. Wake up, go outside and run around, go back inside, wash, eat, brush my teeth and go to sleep. Unfortunately, life just had to be a woman on her period, on a Monday morning, and decided to take out her anger on my life.

I had forgotten that the crown prince(one of the capture targets) was having a grand ball for his 4th birthday(talk about raising his ego when he's only four!) He was the cold, "I only like interesting things like the heroine" type. And I had to attend his ball "for the sake of creating social ties" my parents had said. I'm literally only four. 'Wait...isn't my engagement announced there? Shoot. ' I feel a headache coming.

I am suddenly picked up by the head maid, Mary Susan. "You shouldn't run off like that," Mary Sue-I mean, Susan chided, out of breath. "It worries your parents greatly so." This reminds me of a book I once read, it was about an "average girl" who was the princess of the kingdom, "Even out of breath, Mary Sue's long, perfectly-sculpted, and rainbow-colored eyelashes looked beautiful. Her hair, a multi-colored array of, uh, colors shone with sweat. She smelled like.....like, a wet dog after a bath. Her eyes wer-"


I sighed. 'Time to accept my fate'.


After countless hours of playing Doll, the maids all finally decided on something appropriate for the ball. I could barely stand by that time. And of course, they made me wear heels. Who the hell puts heels on a 4-year-old?! They were killing me.

The maids guided me to the mirror as some went along to get my parents. I looked at my self.

I looked like the complete opposite of my previous self. Although I already knew that from numerous of other sessions playing Doll, it surprised me every time. It was like seeing a different person when you looked in the mirror. Instead of black hair and dark eyes, what greeted me was white hair and light-grayish eyes. Ironic, since my power is Dark and I have white hair and eyes. Apparently, it runs in the family, the albinism. It makes us stand out, which is not good.

I was wearing an elegant, but cute dress to the ball. It reached to just below my knees and was black with a lot of frills. They let me have my hair out, but still insisted on curling it and the like. I also wore the freakishly tall heels and a tiny bit of makeup.

Personally, I don't mind dresses. As long as they aren't heavy, itchy, etc.

My parents came in and when they saw me, they went from smiling to fangirling over me.

"Freud, look at how cute our daughter is! KyaaAaAAAaaAaAAa#$@%&?!" My mother's nose was bleeding and her face was flushed.

"I know, sweetie." My father didn't actually fangirl over me, but he did smile at me and said, "My daughter's all grown up now...she doesn't need her father to help her anymore...cue the tears"

I just deadpanned at both of them. They were so weird, I wonder why the old Minx was so stuck-up. Ah, it feels like I've forgotten something.

I said, in my best innocent voice I could manage, "Mother, Father, um, isn't it time to go?" I thought they would start fangirling again, but, surprisingly, they didn't. Instead, they looked at the clock and started to panic.

"Jinx, I think we're going to be late!"

"I can see that, Freud!"

"What about the engagement?! We still need to talk to Minx about it!"

"Calm down! We'll talk about it in the carriage."

And with that, I was pulled along by my hand to the carriage.


On the way to the ball, I thought about what happened there during the game. The ball was where my engagement was to be announced, I already knew that. It was also where the prince had a glimpse at the heroine. Apparently, she had snuck out of her home at night to see what the ball was like since she had never been to one. She asked the prince to not tell anyone, and blah blah purple dinosaurs, blah.

The prince was intriuged by the heroine. "He, who had no interest in anything, was fascinated by a lowly, commoner who had extraordinary features. He was intriuged by her boldness, her intelligence for a young commoner, her-" you get the picture.

Before he could ask for her name, she had left when she saw the time. Running down the stone stairs that seemed endless to a four-year-old, she nearly tripped, but instead had lost her worn, leather shoe. The prince chased after her, but was stopped by his parents who were looking for him to tell him about his new fiance. He never saw her again until the magic academy, but he did keep her shoe.

'Just like Cinderella' I thought, gazing out the window.

I probably should have noticed by now, but my usually chatty parents were dead silent. They were moving their heads and eyes as if in a silent conversation.

'Dear, what should we tell her if she isn't happy with the engagement?' (Mother)

'If push comes to shove, we'll just have to talk her into it. I mean, how hard could this be?'

'Ok...whatever you say, dearie.'

I glanced back and forth at them, trying to decipher their secret conversation. The conversation looked tense.
My solution was:

'Dear, I think it's time for me to tell you......I've been cheating on you.'

'What?! With whom?!'

'With Mark... .I'm sorry.'

I giggled at my silly thinking. My parents facial expressions softened when they looked at me. They probably though I was giddy, it being one of the rare times I get to go outside the mansion.

A few more moments passed with my parents looking back and forth at eachother and eventually, they turned their heads toward me after having done rock-paper-scissors. Mother was the one who won, if you're curious.

"Sweetie, we have something to tell you....." Awkward silence. My father adverted his eyes. He's finally going to tell me that I'm engaged to the prince, probably.



"..-we love you with all our heart and we-" Father began, but a quick glare from Mother made him stop beating around the bush.

"..you're engaged to the prince."

I faked a gasp. I would have neveeeer figured that out. Note the sarcasm. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"But-But! I wuv Dad-d-dy!" I did it in my best pout and puppy eyes. Father seemed to wince while also blushing madly alongside Mother. 'K-kawaii!' They thought in sync.

"I-I know, sweetheart." He stuttered. "B-But, if you do, it'll help your Mother and I. It'll help us get more "friends"!"

I pouted even more. "B-But, Dada al-weady has enough f-wiends.." I faked a few tears for this one.

"Y-yeah, but-" The carriage door opened.

"Duke, Duchess, Young Miss, we've arrived."


1250 words, not counting this.

Feel free to point out mistakes, I used my phone so there may be some mistakes here and there.

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