Chapter 1

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Melody P.O.V.
"Melody!" I heard my mom call out my name. I jogged down the stairs to see her in the kitchen struggling with a box. I helped her sit it on the kitchen island. "Have you packed all your things?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. What time are we leaving?" I asked her.

"We'll leave at 8am and get there by 2am at the latest including stops. You can drive about 8 hours for me to rest right?" She looked back at me. I nodded. "Well I'm about to finish up dinner and after dinner go to bed. Don't stay up all night playing that game we gotta be up at 6 to load the stuff up." She told me. "Yes ma'am" I said walking back up to my room.

We were moving from San Francisco, California to Houston, Texas because of my moms job. My moms a Doctor but for high end clients only like celebrities and people with big bank. Normally she travels alot but now we were moving to Houston because one of her regulars wants her as a private doctor. He offered 5,000 a month and to pay for supply expenses. She had high clientele in the area and had been thinking about moving anyway.

I sat back on the edge of my bed and cut on my ps5 and quickly joined a party. I wasn't a typical girl. I loved sports, and video games. But just as much I liked getting dressed and having my nails did. I was a 16 year old Sophomore track and basketball player. I dont really care too much for a boyfriend. I entertain guys every now and then but thats on my terms and my time. My mom called me for dinner. I played on until I got pissed off at the game.

I went down to the kitchen and saw homemade lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. I sat said grace and dug in. After dinner she pulled out one of my favorites her chocolate cake with Hershey frosting. I love it because she decorates it with Kit Kat bars, Oreo's , and Twix. I washed it down with milk and went to bed like a baby.


"Melody! If I have to wake your ass up one more time it's going to be with a bucket of water and a belt!" I hurried waking and quickly showered and changed into basic sweats. I grabbed as many boxes from my room I could and began to help mom put them in the rented U-Haul. Most of our stuff had already been shipped we just had my room, the kitchen, and bathroom stuff to take care of.

"After you empty out your room there's waffle house on the table for you." She said as she grabbed the last kitchen box. I hurried cleaning out my room. Im a major foodie, I love food and am usually always eating. Its truly my happy place. After alot of work we were on our way.

"Melody." A voice spoke pass the music. I snatched my headphones out and looked up to us in front of the house. It was a basic cute two story, 5 bedroom house. I stepped out and saw two guys hop out of a black Tahoe.

The older darkskin one smiled at my mother like he knew her. "Tammy, its good to see you." He pulled my mom in a tight hug.

" He pulled my mom in a tight hug

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"Bryson." She chuckled. "This is my daughter Melody." She gestured toward me. I just held my same confused 'who the fuck are you and why are you here' face. "Hey, Im Bryson. You must be a little mad Im the reason you got dragged here away from your friends." He looked over at me. I put on a little smile. I couldn't help my natural bitch face. "Im sorry its just a normal look. I wasn't really dragged away from any friends I didn't have any problem moving." I shrugged. He must be my mom's boss.

"Well this is my son Jay. He'll be going to the same school as you so I don't think he'll mind hanging with you." He pointed towards the younger brownskin boy. The boy smirked nodding at me. I did a little laugh with a eye roll. "We knew you needed help and you sounded exhausted on the phone so we came to help." Bryson looked over to my mom. "Aww how thoughtful thanks." She smiled.

With everyone's help in 50 minutes all the boxes were inside. "If you need any help you know we live 3 houses down Tammy. We'll go on and let y'all rest." Bryson stood gathering his phone. "Oh Jay how about you come get Melody and you guys can drive to school together. I know she might be a little worried about making friends being its the middle of the second semester." I heard her as I unpacked the living room.

"You really don't have to." I shook my head. "Its really no problem plus your new to the area I don't won't you getting lost and ending somewhere dangerous." He shrugged. "Okay." I said a little unsure.

Once they left we basically unpacked the rest of the day and took a break when the pizza got there. Nearly my whole room was done besides my clothes, shoes, and some bathroom necessities. I showered and laid in my new bed. I groaned at the softness of the comforter.

"Melody. This is a fresh start for you. I don't want you to get into anymore trouble. Try to make friends—GOOD friends." She side eyed me. I scoffed. "Yeah ill try." "Mhmm. Go to bed." She left out my room closing my door.

Yeah I ran into some trouble but not too much. Let me give you some background. My dad was in the military so we moved around alot. I was born in Atlanta we stayed till I was 5 then we moved. We'd stay at a place for about 3-4 years and move again. My dad died of a car accident when I was 12. Crazy how out of everything he possibly went through he died of a accident.

So we moved from Louisville to San Francisco for a 'fresh start' a year later. My mom was just a nurse going to school to be a doctor at the time. When my dad died it really pushed her to come up with a quick plan to make sure we were stable so she decided to become a traveling doctor. Next thing I knew she was healing anybody with good money. So she was away alot and she blames herself for not being there to give me good training but I don't see it that way. I fought like once a week in school and drama seemed to follow me.

It wasn't like I tried I just seemed to be problematic. So finally I just stayed to myself and thought that would solve everything but it didn't. All of a sudden people believed I thought I was better then everyone else or too good to be bothered. I've been to a alternative school twice, court 3 times for Assault charges, and a Juvenile Detention center for 3 months.

I've been taking anger management for 2 years I go once every two months and it doesn't help if anything it pisses me off. Nothings wrong with me its the people around me if you ask me. Ill try for my mom though she means the world to me and if it'll make her happy I can at least give some effort.


Don't worry many pictures will be in the next chapter. Im not sure how long this book will be I just got the urge to start back writing and this book is the one I decided to continue writing.

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