Chapter 11

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 Mary Joy’s P.O.V

We walk around the house to figure where the hell are we. It seems like familiar. Like I have seen this place a few years ago or before. 

Minutes been passed, I began to bite my nails. It’s getting darker and darker and I can hear  those howls. I can see Seth was just singing softly.

Crazy right? And she always plays with her thumb. I bet she’s really scared right now until I heard some soft cry. I walk to her and I saw her sobbing.


No response. Just sniff

“Seth.. We’re okay now. Don’t be afraid I’m here..”

Still not talking. UGH


“Shhh. They said they’re on their way. Let’s just wait for them. Kay?”

“MJ.. I-i know this is so childish.. B-but I-I am.. scared” I know. I can see through your eyes and struggles

“Me too. Heey. Don’t worry I’m here”

She just nodded. I sat right next to her. 

“See up there. Those stars are wonderful..” I start the conversation again

“Y-yeah *sniff* the one looks like a treble clef” as she pointed the stars

“Mhmm I-“ I was about to tell something when suddenly

*Honk Honk* I turned my back and noticed it was Harry’s Car. Thank God

Harry jumped out of the car and walk towards us.

“What happened to the two of you?” He ask. I can see in his all of those concerned and sadness

“All I can remember is that I’m about to go home and suddenly someone just blindfolded my eyes and I passed out”

“How about you Seth.. What happened?” Zayn ask WORRIEDLY. Hmm I wonder why. She had Perrie. But I think he’s in to Sethiel and I don’t know. I think they’re just friend or what. 

“Not fine. You can see our situation right? We just got kidnapped. And you suddenly ask—“ I cut her in

“ HEY CALM DOWN a BIT Seth. Let’s just go home Harry.”

He nodded and I can see Zayn dissappointed on Sethiel’s new behavior. I think she must be really scared or.... Pissed

The car ride was awkwardly silent. I Wanna break the silence but I have nothing to say..

I have this feeling that someone was just jealous on us and got us kidnapped. Or maybe our company’s competitors. Specially the Hyland Group of Companies that Sethiel’s father owned. Maybe one of her fathers  employee or what you call that thing.

It was a very long trip. This was away from the city. It’s like forest or something. But how did Harry knew this place. Right. I have to ask him to break the silence.


“Yeah?” He ask not taking glances on me because he was driving. Duh

“How did ya know this place?” I ask in my curiosity. 

“Erm.. I..”

“You what?”

“We shoot there for our opening video for Up All Night Tour. Do you remember that? The one that were playing with the girls with bikes on the lake or pond what do you call that” Zayn answered. So that’s why it’s like familiar place. 

Insidious Love ( One Direction : Niall, Zayn and Harry Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now