Chapter 12

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Seth’s P.O.V

I was here in my room laying on my bed. Of course I know I was being rude and sassy around Zayn and Elaine lately. But I was so Knackered this day. I suffered like hell. I was tired from school, I was bullied again by Kylie after our music class, after that I proceeded to work on my presentation then I was about to go home when suddenly someone covered my mouth and pulled me inside a stupid van. I felt asleep on something that I smell that pangs on my head and made me feel out of the world. It smelled like relaxing but addicting. I imagine it and I tried to sleep

I let the music to calm my nerves and let them light up my mood. I was in the mood to listen on the acoustic medleys so I played my Acoustic Playlist on my iPod and put them on my speakers and All Time Low’s Six Feet under the Stars was playing. I sighed deeply and I drifted to sleep again.

Minutes been passed and I am trying to sleep. But I can’t. Damn it.

“The food is ready!!” Harry yelled and suddenly my stomach growl. Fuck I want to sleep not eat.

Then I heard some three knocks on my door.

“Come in” I said softly

The door creek and I saw Zayn standing there. I tap the other side of my bed to motion that he’ll sit.

He walked and sat beside me

“What do you want?” I asked. This time It was in a low tone

“Mary Joy wanted you to come down because we’re not going to eat if you’re not there”

“okay” I sighed and I  stand up. He followed me and I began to walk downstairs leaving my room opened and leaving him behind my back


“This food was  amazing!!” Niall

”Why thank you Niall!!” MJ

“How did you cook like this? You’re a great cook! You can even replace Sarah!” Harry joked, We all laughed on his comment. But it’s true MJ can really replace Sarah. Well Sarah is a great cook too y’know

I was so stuffed and I can’t even move. I need to sleep so I can more relax.

MJ’s manicotti’s are the best. I hope I can cook like her. Oh shit tomorrows the presentation on Music class. And Zayn’s gonna be our professor for a while. Weird but cool

“Elaine, MJ” I said

Their gaze all turn to me

“Have you decided what you’re going to Present to Mr. Malik tomorrow?” I asked, grinning

“Definitely yes” Elaine answered back

“Nope, not yet” MJ chorused

“Well you better practice MJ or else, you’ll got some lower grades to me” Zayn warned

“Really? Professor Malik?” MJ wiggled her brows

“I ain’t jokig girl” Zayn played along

“Uhm, Excuse me now guys. I need to sleep. I’m tired”

“Oh yeah. Me too” MJ Said

“Stay for night? You want ?” I asked. Not desperately. It was just very late so they better stay here.

“Zayn?” Harry asked

“UGH. Okay we’ll stay. You owe me this one Harry”

“YES!” Harry said

“MJ Can I cuddle with you and sleep with you tonight?” Harry added

“NO.” MJ said

“We had 3 Guest rooms here. I’ll take you guys there” I said

The two rooms are downstairs. Harry and Niall preferred downstairs incase they’re hungry they’ll  just grab’em and go like that. Weird guys

I lead Zayn to his room for a while. I opened the door for him since I got those keys. I let him in. I opened the little closet for the bed sheets etc. I can define that two eyes are glued on mine.

I place the sheets perfectly. His bed-for-a-while were pretty made. The sheets are blue. Enough for a guy color

“Uh, hope you get enough sleep. If you need something, just knock on my door just right next to this room.. And uhm.. Yeah. I’ll go ahead. Have a great night Zayn” I said and walking out to the guest room

“Sugar dreams Sethiel”  He said

“You too” I said back

I laid on my bed and I am thinking for my presentation tomorrow. What should I sing? Urgh darn it. I wish I was just like Elaine so I can write great songs like hers.

I got up again and went straight to her room

I never knocked on her. Yep


“Mhmm?” She said. She’s in the bathroom

“Are you gonna sing one of your songs?” I asked

“Mmm….. Maybe?” She said in a question

“If you’re going to sing it, what is it?”

“I think uhm… The song… Give Your Heart a Break”

“Seems pretty cool. I like that. I want you to sing that. Pleaseeee”

“Haha, Okay. I’ll sing it tomorrow. How about you Seth?”

“That’s the problem sis, I didn’t even decide one”

“Let me think..” She said while putting her finger in her jaw

“AHA! How about… No..” My faced was just fucking confused now. She’s weird

“Seth, How about try the song.. Hello by Karmin” That’s it!

“OMG! Thanks Elaine!”

“Practice it tonight so you can rap it very well!!” She said as I made my way to her door

“I will” Good night sissy, Love ya!”

“Love ya too. Sweet dreams”

And for that, I made my way to MJ’s

Like I said, I never knock on the two of them


“Hereeee” She said.. under her… BED?!

“What the fuck are you doing?!” I said whispering-shouting

She stood up fixing her PJ’s

“Just finding Mr. Piddy. “ Mr. Piddy was her teddy bear since she was a kid.

“Oh.. Anyways, did ya decide what you gonna sing on the presentation?”


“What is it?”

“She Looks So Perfect” My eyes got wide

“REALLY?!” I asked


“But how can you sing it because your voice was soft”

“I’m gonna change some little tune of it”

“Oh..” was all I managed to say

“Well I’m sleepy now Seth”

“Mmm. Me too”

“Stay for the night?”

“nooooo. Good night MJ” I said walking out

“Milkdy dreams” She said back

“You too”

Then I drifted to sleep. Big day tomorrow to impress  Mr. Malik


Shorty one!! Please Ignore the typos. Thanks!

- Chachii x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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