Left Behind

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This is an opening page of the yet unpublished book. A different story taking place parallel to the BattleR Saga books published so far. This will not be included into the published book.

The couple walked through the shadows, hiding from the dim light of the street lights and occasional cars passing through the neighborhood.

Cloaked man, tall and muscular, was being pushed by his wife, a slim and short woman holding a bundled piece of cloth in her hands.

"Are you sure, Tim?"

"It's the only way we can protect him."

"But he's our son, I can't just leave with strangers."

"Calm down, Lisa, they're not strangers. It took me weeks to track down a perfect and secure world. Here no one has the abilities we had, the power of the gods has left this world millennia ago. No one in this world will be able to harm him."

"But what if he will be alienated because of his gifts? He won't be able to understand anything until we come back for him."

"He's strong, he's our son, he will manage."

The man and a woman walked towards a small house on their side of the street in the suburban Chicago. The man looked around and took his hood off. The woman did the same.

In the cloth she carried was sleeping a small rose cheeked baby boy, with short dark hair. His small hands were holding a brown leather watch belt. The man named Tim took his son from his wife's hands and kissed him in the forehead.

"Good luck, you will need it."

"And we'll need a miracle, Tim. The war will end soon and we're on the losing side."

"That's why I have faith in our son, Lisa, he will be the key to ending all of this. I just wish we had more time."

Tim put the cloth with his son on the doorstep under the grey ebony door with the plate "T. & L. A."

The woman named Lisa noticed the letters and looked at her husband from under the dark and wide hood. Her eyes, up til then full of tears, had a mixture of surprise and anger.

"You didn't."

Tim reached into the bundle and pulled out a small watch his son was still holding in his sleep.

"Yes, Lisa, I did. You were right, he wouldn't be safe with anyone but us. That's why we are leaving him with us. And this watch will help him prepare for what's coming."

"If I wouldn't know you I would be convinced you're a madman."

"You mean I'm not?"

They both smiled and started walking away from the door. Lisa's cheeks started flooding with tears and she barely stepped down the stair. Tim pulled her to him, embraced her and together they disappeared into the darkness of the night.

In the place they disappeared in appeared a spark. Then another, and another. One by one, each spark was getting closer to the door and a baby. When the last spark appeared next to the door, a doorbell rang and a boy in the cloth woke up.

But he didn't cry.

He never cries.

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