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2 weeks later...

Messages from Hyungseob
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hyungseob: uhm

hyungseob: sohye

sohye: yes?

hyungseob: can we video call?

sohye: ehm sure

Incoming Video Call from
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"hey hyungseob!"
sohye smiled

"oh hey"

"whats the matter that you called me?"

"i-i want t-to..."
hyungseob stutters because
he was nervous

"hyungseob? are you okay?"
sohye was worried

i want to s-say im sorry"

"sorry for what?"

"for being an idiot
im sorry to 'scream' at you
i dont know that you wanted to protect me
im sorry for saying youre naive..."
he avoided eye contact because he was a little bit embarassed

its okay hyungseob"

"so are we friends again?"
he asked her shyly

"who said we were not more friends?"
she pouted and hyungseob smiled lightly

"haha okay...
i have to go"

see you!"


Video Call with
Hyungseob ended

my english is sooo terrible ugh

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