Chapter 6 - The doe and the stag

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Rain thrashed against the windows heavily banging on the glass. The low rumble ofthunder rolling over the sky. Flashes of lighting  illuminated thecity before plunging it back into darkness. Harry turned in his bed for what seemed like the hundredth time, squeezing his eyes shut from the sparks of light outside. It was hopeless he thought huffing and threw himself out of bed, he chucked on a jumper and headed downstairs. The hallway was pitch black be it for the flashes of lightning that momentarily lit up the room. Harry made his way to the end of the hall where the living room was situated.  Through the gaps around the door came a light shining from within, harry reached outfit the handle but stopped himself. He could hear a sound coming from the other side of the door. Harry leaned against the wooden frame to listen closer. It was singing, a low and sullen tune that invaded his ears and sent shivers up his back.

"At night I sleep a lonely man

three Wishes held within my hand

the first to rid me from this pain

brought on by the dark and icy rain"

Harry quietly pushed the door a jar to see Draco sitting with the little silver box open on the floor. Perched upon his hand was the little white dove, whistling in harmony with Draco's soft voice

"When I find love may it always be true

My second wish is made for two

My final wish from death

sang with my final breath

the rest of my days you can take

death I wish, Please keep him safe"

Malfoy gently petted the bird still singing it's beautiful tune, Harry noticed how dismal Draco looked, his shoulders hunched and eyes filled with sadness. "I didn't know you could sing" Harry stood in the door way, Malfoy did not seem fazed by Harry's sudden appearance, in fact he had hoped for it. "My mother gave me singing lessons" Draco's gaze didn't leave the dove "I also found my music box you stole"

"It wasn't really yours in the first place" Harry made his way over to the rug were Draco sat and joined him on the floor.  "It's going  to be a lonely Christmas" Malfoy sighed, Harry couldn'timagine how the Malfoy's celebrated, he presumed they sat in silence around a very long dinner table and compared the prices of their jewels, very different from the Christmas atmosphere at the Weasley'shouse which was always buzzing with happiness and laughter. They must be struggling this year without Fred. "Very lonely" Harry agreed. Draco bowed his head and whispered something into the doves ear who Began to sing a melancholy tune.  For the first time tonight Draco lifted his gaze and met Harry's eyes. It hurt for him to breath, his chest became excruciatingly tight but he willed himself through the pain. He began to hum in tune with the delicate bird. It was as if Draco's voice was magical, the moment he sang out a herd of deer erupted from the silver trinket and galloped about the room. White smoke billowing about their elegant blue frames. Malfoy looked over at Harry who's eyes were ablaze with wonder staring at thebeautiful dancing creatures. Draco picked up his wand "expectopatronum" he murmured, the tip of his wand shone blue producing white rays which danced and swirled through the air producing a doe that gleamed and shone brighter than any other in the room. Harry retrieved his wand from his pocket and staring at the deer cast his own patronus. The proud stag  bowed it's head to the deer, together they leaped and bounded about the room glowing ever brighter. Harry was dumbstruck staring at the two patronus', what did this mean? He wondered, maybe all along Malfoy didn't resent Harry,maybe it was all just jealousy. Draco sighed and snapped shut the music box causing the galloping steeds to disappear. The two sat in silence for what felt like an eternity , the room was sunk back into its dull self its wallpaper seemed blander and the furniture rotting away. Harry broke off the silence when he cast out his stag once more who stood protectively beside him.  Draco produced his magnificent deer that leapt about circling the duo before nuzzling the stag whom rested his head on hers. Malfoy stared down at the floor, did Harry know what this meant? Was his message getting through to him?  Harry watched as the two deer's began to gallop about the living room together, bounding around one another, he hadn't noticed Draco walking over to his patronus. The deer left its companion and traipsed over to it's rightful owner. Draco's eyes glinted with penitence, he reached a caring hand out to the doe inviting it into his embrace. His deer gave one last look at the stag behind her before turning her gaze to Malfoy's eyes and disappeared into nothing. The stag bucked it's head towards the blonde and rearing onto its hind legs in anger. Harry had never seen a patronus act like this before,caught up in his dismay the stag vanished too. Draco was already heading out the door when Harry had snapped out of his trance. "Wait" He uttered but Malfoy was gone. Draco slammed the bedroom door behind him and threw himself onto the creaking bed staring up at the ceiling. He had never felt more alone than in that moment, it clouded over him like a storm and rained over him in his own sorrow. Tears silently ran down his face as he prayed for sleep to numb his pain.

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