Chapter 3- The promise

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Harry followed Draco for the next week like a hawk stalking its prey, waiting inside the room of requirement until quarter past eleven when the eagle would deliver its letter to the eagerly waiting recipient. Tonight it was exactly eleven fifteen and the usual sight of Draco slumped in the velvet chair. Ezequiel however was not yet there. Malfoy rested his chin in his hands and stared fervently at the open window. Seconds dragged into minutes and both Harry and Draco became inpatient. Malfoy threw himself up from the chair  from beneath the chair and procuring a little silver box. He stared lovingly at it, carefully opening the lid and watched as a snowy bird stretched open it's little wings and began to sing. Draco rubbed the little birds head with his finger tenderly, Harry watched silently from under the invisibility cloak. A familiar squawk came from the window and Draco looked apologetically at the little fowl in his hand then closed the box. Ezequiel didn't go near Draco or stopped as per usual. He swooped overhead and dropped the scroll onto the chair and continued it's journey towards the window. "Ezequiel" Malfoy called after the eagle, who paid Draco no mind and left. "Stupid bird" Malfoy huffed grabbing the scroll and returning to the chair he began to read.

Draco sat hunched over, the parchment held taught in his hands. Harry peered over his shoulder and tried to make out what was written on the parchment but to his dismay all he could make out was the curving signature of Narcissa Malfoy and the Malfoy family emblem stamped in wax. Draco clasped on the scroll tightened even more, crumbling the edges in his fingers teasing the parchment to tear from the strain. Tears silently rolling down his cheeks and delicately dropped onto the yellow paper causing the flowing black print to smudge. Harry stood in silence staring at Malfoy as his shoulders began to shake and all that could be heard were his sobs echoing about the cluttered hall. Harry jumped in surprise as the small hiccups of tears suddenly became loud wails of despair. Malfoy's grip loosened on the scroll which fell from his clutch and tumbled beneath a nearby wardrobe stuffed amongst the clutter. All Harry could do was observe in silence as he witnessed the descent of the young man who had always held himself with admirable pride, that never let anything get the better of him or let any flicker of emotion show in his eyes; now desperately gasping for breath between each painful screech of anguish . Draco kept his eyes screwed tightly shut as his cries out became hoarse, falling to his knees, defeated. As his wails died to a quiet whimper, he lifted his face towards the ceiling, his striking grey eyes  staring into the distance. A stare with such intense, like if he took his eyes off what ever he saw, it would disappear never to be seen again. Harry shakily reached his hand out and before he could stop himself, placed his hand soothingly on Malfoy's shoulder. Draco snapped out of his trance and in one swift motion knocked Harry's hand away and sprung to his feet. Malfoy retrieved his wand and began brandishing spells around the room to repel whatever had touched him. Sparks of red emanated about the hall, knocking over furniture and sending books flying. Harry tried to dodge the spells and mentally slapped himself for doing something so stupid. But before he knew it a flash of ruby light flew towards him and knocked him in the chest. He could barely breath as he was thrown back in the air, the invisibility cloak flung from him  and was slammed to the ground knocking the breath from his lungs. Draco heard a loud crash from behind a pile of chairs and stood gasping for breath. He cautiously made his way behind the wooden jumble and peered at the sight of Harry Potter sprawled on the ground gasping for air. Draco became flushed with anger, it was Potter who had touched him, seen him. He raised his wand again but was knocked back by a yellow spark. Harry had quickly drew out his own wand and retaliated. He scrambled to his feet rooted to the ground finally able to catch his breath, wand at the ready. Draco recovered himself from the blow and managed to regain his dignity standing tall. "How dare you, Potter" Draco yelled casting spell after spell at Harry who repelled them all. "You... Useless...Unloved...Bastard" Draco screamed between each spell " why didn't you die when Voldemort cursed you?!" He pushed further as a shot of yellow emitted from his wand, Harry cast back and their spells locked onto each others. The streams of yellows versus red pushed against with such force Harry's arm became weak, he never knew just how strong Draco was, he could feel the rage and hatred burning in his spell. Draco pulled the spells away breaking off their connection and lowered his head and wand to the floor. They stood in silence for what seemed like forever. Draco finally lifted his face, tears streaming down his cheeks he let out a harsh cry "CRUCIO!"

Harry felt his body go rigid and dropped to the floor, he could barely breath, gasping for air. It felt as though his head was being crushed under an immense weight. He screamed out in agony as Draco forced more pain into him. It travelled up his spine paralysing his entire body, his eyes rolling into his head. He used any remaining energy he had against Malfoy, lifting the pain long enough for him to raise his own wand "septus empra". The weight lifted from Harry's head, he felt his body being freed from the binding around him. He glared at Malfoy who lay strewn on the tiled floor, deep gashes appearing in his chest and blood soaking through his shirt. Harry stood over him staring. He raised his leg and stomped his foot down onto Draco's chest. Malfoy let out a cry of pain and tears rolled down his face. "S-stop"he gasped staring up into those emerald eyes glowing with hatred.

"Give me one good reason to" Harry growled watching Draco's own eyes begin clouding over and rolling. He opened his mouth as if to say something but couldn't muster the words through the pain. Harry released some of the weight off of Malfoy's chest.

"M-my m-mother" he gasped and managed to stare Harry dead in the eyes. Harry's face softened slightly, he released his foot from Draco and knelt beside him. Placing his wand over the others blood stained and gaping chest me muttered the counter curse and watched as blood ran from the pool on the floor back into Draco's skin and the deep gashes shrunk into pale new skin. "Get up" Harry ordered getting himself up and retrieving the indivisibility cloak. A small glint caught Harry's eye and he noticed the little silver box beneath the velvet char, he grabbed it and pocketed the little trinket. He turned and watched as his nemesis struggled under his own weight and flopped uselessly back onto the floor. Harry couldn't leave Draco there, no matter how much he angered him. It wasn't in Harry's nature to be cruel. He scooped up the limp body from the ground which was surprisingly light and chucked the cloak over themselves. He made his way out of the room of requirement and marched towards the staircase that lead down to the Slytherin common room. As he reached the portrait in the wall of a large basilisk, he looked down at the bundle in his arms "what's the password?" No reply. Harry shook Malfoy in his arms "oi blondie what's the password?"

"Hmm unicorn blood" Draco muttered, his eyes still tightly shut

"typical" Harry rolled his eyes and called out to the portrait "unicorn blood" the snake looked over to where they were standing and titled its head in confusion as no body appeared to be there. However it bowed its scaly head and swung the door open. Harry rushed in and up to the stairs which he hoped led to the boys room. He struggled to push down the handle of the door and awkwardly shouldered it open and kicked it shut behind him. The room was adorned in emeralds and silvers. Four beds circled the room, each draped with jade curtains drawn shut. Above each bed was engraved with the Slytherin boys names. Harry took Draco to his own bed, threw off the cloak and gently laid him down. Harry couldn't take his eyes off the blonde as he rested his head onto the silky pillow, he looked so peaceful. Guilt started to tug harshly at Harry, even though he felt so numb before. Malfoy laid still, his chest slowly rising with each breath, he looked so.... innocent. Harry withdrew and turned to leave but was stropped abruptly by fingers wrapped around his wrist. He turned his head and saw Draco's arm outstretched, his slender finger gripping tightly around him, the band of silver encircling his forefinger biting into Harry's skin. "I'm no death eater" he whispered loosening his grip on Harry "my mother... they know... they know she saved you... they know she lied to Voldemort in the forest" his sentences were short and sounded pained. "You have to help us"

Harry stared at him "your mother only did that because I promised to keep you safe" he snatched his hand out of Draco's grip, "I owe you nothing". Draco's chest tightened, Potter promised to keep him safe? Why? He stared up at Harry his eyes wide in disbelief.  "Harry" he pleaded. Harry was taken aback being addressed by his first name by Malfoy. Draco stared deep into Harry's sparkling green eyes, "they're going to kill us both, please, please save my mother". Draco's gaze didn't falter. Harry couldn't help but notice this was the first time he had ever heard Draco say please, or even selflessly ask something before. It was never in Harry's nature to be cruel or unkind and whenever asked to help he always felt compelled to. Now standing there, emerald eyes locked to striking grey, he felt himself give a curt nod. Malfoy's eyes began welling up but he blinked back the tears. "Only" Potter started "only if you promise never to hurt Ron or Hermione"

"I promise" Draco insisted

"I don't believe you" Harry sat on the edge of the bed by Malfoy "hold out your hand" Draco obeyed. Harry grabbed his hand tightly and pulling his wand out of his pocket pointed it at their hands. "Do you Draco Malfoy, promise that while I help you and your mother, to never intentionally hurt Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger" a thin silver thread snaked out of Harry's wand and intertwined itself and their hand, binding them together. Draco looked Harry dead in the eye "I promise".

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