11: Ex-Boyfriends

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11: Ex-Boyfriends


Your Ex-Boyfriend wasn't exactly someone you wanted to see, considering he had abused you. So when you and Harry ran into him while shopping you were pretty terrified. "(Y/N), I really don't mean to scare you but isn't that you ex?" Harry asks. You look up from the racks, and sure enough, your ex is sitting on a bench, watching you like a hawk. "Umm, yeah that's him." You say nervously. "You want to go?" Harry asks. You shake your head no and continue looking at clothes. While your doing that, Harry kisses you all over and then gives you a long kiss, long enough for your ex to witness. "He needs to know your mine now. And that I won't let him touch you." Harry growls.


You and Zayn were out and about just having a casual dinner together. You noticed your ex boyfriend was a waiter at the restaurant, but decided not to tell Zayn knowing how jealous he would become. With your luck, he ended up being your server. "(Y/N), hey! I haven't seen you in a really long time!" You ex said. You smiled and nodded in response and continued to casually talk. "Well it was great seeing you (Y/N)! I hope we catch up sometime again." He said at the end of the night. You and Zayn walked back to your car in complete silence. You could tell Zayn was angry, because you didn't tell him about your ex. "Zayn, I didn't tell you I knew you'd be jealous!" You said but Zayn kept his hands on the wheel and eyes straight forward. You arrived at your flat but before you could get out, Zayn pressed his hungry lips on yours. "You're mine. All. Fucking. Mine." Zayn growls.


You were back home visiting some family and few friends. You were just coming out of your parents house, when someone called your name. "(Y/N)!" You turned around and faced your old high school boyfriend, tears forming in your eyes. "(Y/B/N)!" You shouted. You jumped into his arms. "It's been so long." He said. You nodded as Liam wrapped his arm tightly around you waist. You and your ex both caught up with each other, telling each other what's been going on lately in your lives. You smiled throughout the entire conversation with him, but felt Liam tense up. "Well it was great talking to you and meeting you, but (Y/N) and I need to get back to our hotel so bye!" Liam said. He rushed you to the car and began to drive. "Liam! What is wrong with you?" You asked frustrated. "He was flirting (Y/N)." He said seriously. "Awh Liam." You cooed. "Baby, he's gay now." You said holding Liam's hand. Liam turned to you and smiled, as you both burst into fits of laughter.


You and Louis had gone out shopping together, like always. You were trying on clothes that Louis picked out for you. You were currently in the fitting rooms, trying on all of the dresses, tops, and bottoms that Louis passes you. A knock on the door awoke your thoughts, "Is everything okay in there ma'am?" A young man called from the other side of the door. You opened the door to see your ex , "Um, c-could I get these in a size small?" You asked. He bit his bottom lip and smirked, "Not a problem." He brought you the tops and you finished up in the fitting rooms. "Here, go pay." Louis say handing you his credit card. You nodded and made your way towards the cash register. "Find everything alright?" He asked. You nodded in response, and pulled out the card and payed. "Call me sometime. I've missed you." He smirked writing his number on the receipt. "U-Umm." You stuttered. "Come on babe." Louis said pecking you cheek glaring at him. He blushed in embarrassment as you left the store with your boyfriend.


Niall knows he's not the biggest guy, he even says it himself. But when it comes to a guy hitting on you, he will turn into the angriest guy you've ever seen. So when your ex hit on you in a coffee shop Niall was outraged for the rest of the day. "Niall! I wasn't even flirting back, why are you so angry?! I'm over him!" You shouted. Niall slammed his cup on the table in anger. "(Y/N), he flirted with you right infront of me! He made me look so small!" Niall shouted back, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair. "Ughh." You groaned. "Niall why can't you understand that your the only one I have eyes for." You said. You made your way towards the bedroom and laid down. You felt the bed dip, meaning Niall had sat down. "You're right. I'm so sorry I was jealous princess." You and Niall spent the rest of the night making it up to each other.



(Y/B/N) stand from your ex-boyfriends name.

I'm sorry I've been kind of inactive but I haven't really gotten reads sadly.

*Sighs* how was your day?

-Amy the lazy child

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