13: Self-Harm

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13: Self-Harm



You had been self-harming way before you met Liam, he just never knew about it. By now, the stress way just crazy and as well as the hate, you were cutting more than ever. You sat on the white tile on the bathroom floor, sobbing your eyes out. You let your head fall to your wrists, filled with new cuts as you watched the blood flow from each one. In your other hand, was the blade, that was as well covered with your blood. You cried silently just looking at your cuts. "(Y/N), I'm home!" Liam called from downstairs. You panicked, realizing how angry he'd be at you for hurting your self. You quickly stood up trying to clean up as fast as you could. "(Y/N), are you in here?" He asked opening the door. His eyes immediately fell on your cuts, as his eyes began to water. "W-Why?" He asked. You didn't answer and just sobbed. He held you in his hands as you cried. "It's okay baby. It's okay. We'll get through this, together." He repeated.


It all started when the world found out about you and Harry. The pills were just depression treatment, but it became a nasty habit and you were taking up to 4 a day. You sat on the kitchen counter with a glass of water, and 2 pills in one hand. You stared at them for a second before chucking them in your mouth. "Babe where are-" Harry cut himself off, once he saw the bottle of pills laying next to you on the counter. "(Y/N), did you just take those?" He questioned. You stayed silent, feeling the 2 pills pushed against the roof of your mouth. "Did you?" He asked raising his voice. He noticed the untouched glass of water next to you, realizing you were about to swallow. "Spit them out right now (Y/N)!" He yelled. He placed his hand underneath your mouth for you to spit. You did as told and spit them out. He threw them on the ground and began to yell. "Why the fuck would you do this?!" He yelled. Tears formed in your eyes realizing that you were taking a huge risk with these pills. "I-I'm so s-sorry." You sobbed. "The h-hate. I c-can't h-handle it." You continued. He sighed and cuddled you in his arms. "Don't listen to them (Y/N), your perfect."


You sat on the bathroom counter top, crying as Zayn cleaned your bloody cuts on you wrist. He had just found out that you were cutting, and he wasn't very happy. You silently cried as he continued, he eyes watery. "Why? Why would you do this to yourself?" He questioned. You had no answer, and shrugged. You flinched in pain as the rubbing alcohol hit your open wounds. "Just tell me why?" Zayn asked again. "I-I don't k-know." You stuttered. "Dammit (Y/N)! Tell me!" Zayn screamed. You trembled in fear of his next move. Zayn gripped the counter tightly with on hand, and with the other, ran his fingers through his hair. "I-I thought you were happy. With me." Zayn spoke. It wasn't until then you realized the tears falling from Zayn's eyes. You cupped his cheeks in your hands rubbing his cheek with your thumb. "I'm happy with you Zayn, I love you. It's just stress. I won't ever do it again I swear." You said pecking his lips. "I fucking love you (Y/N), don't do it again." He said. You nodded in response kissing his plump pink lips.


You sat at the toilet looking at the waste you had just puked up. You pulled the handle and stepped off the floor and out of the bathroom, clutching your stomach tightly. "Hey babe." Niall said pecking your cheek. "You feeling okay? You look kinda green." He said. You nodded in response to his question. "Well umm, okay. You hungry? I brought take out." He said pulling you into the kitchen. You watched as he pulled out boxes and boxes. Some filled with burgers, others with fries, and different pastries. "I got your favorite." Niall said handing you a box. "Actually Ni, I'm not that hungry." You said pushing the box away. "(Y/N), I haven't seen you eat in days. And you go into the bathroom after you eat. Are you-" Before Niall even finished his sentence you bursted into tears sobbing into Niall's chest. "Shh, it's okay princess. We'll get you help. But for now, just please eat this." He said handing you a box. You nodded and ate a full meal without throwing it back up.


Anorexia became a natural thing to you. You felt fat, so you did something about it. After every meal, you use the bathroom, and sometimes skip a couple of meals hoping Louis wouldn't notice. You were at home with Louis having a movie night. "Babe do you want popcorn?" Louis called from the kitchen. "No thanks." You called back. You made your way towards the couch, and suddenly everything fell pitch black.....

You awoke to someone shaking you. "(Y/N)! Thank God you awake!" Louis hugged you. You were quiet confused at what was happening. "What happened?" You asked. "You passed out and scared me. Here eat this." Louis said handing you a sandwich. "No-" "(Y/N), you haven't eaten much lately. Please eat this. Your perfect, and I don't want this to get anymore serious. Please eat this love." He begged. You nodded and took a few bites as Louis smiled watching you eat for the first time in days.




I'm really tired and stuff and just school is crazy.

By the way, if you ever feel like talking to someone, you guys can always talk to me. If your self-harming please talk to me. I really do know what your going through, I've been through it myself. You're all beautiful my loves and thank you for reading!

Kik & Instagram: werkingwithstyles

-Amy the tired child

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