Return of The Therion

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"Hey, miss..."

Velvet stirred as she slowly opened her eyes after the long sleep she had with Innominat, never realizing that he was now gone. All Velvet thought about was that this had to be a dream that seemed so real because it felt as if she was shaken awake. Her vision was blurry for a moment before seeing a man with brown hair and deep green eyes staring at her with concern and her eyes snapped opened wide in realization.

The therion tries to stand up but didn't have the strength for some reason and crawls back, noticing that she didn't have a weapon or even clothes on her body which revealed the true form of her daemon arm. The black arm with red streaks that seemed like it had been there since forever. The man seemed unfazed as Velvet glared at him, not keeping her guard down.

"Are you okay?" The man asked and Velvet growls.

"Why would a human like you care? I am a dangerous person after all." Velvet pointed out as she covered her chest with her normal arm. The man smiled in understanding.

"Of course since you're a hellion, judging from your strange arm." The man concluded, surprising Velvet while the man observed her body while he had the chance as he was somewhat confused. "Strange though, hellions usually takes on forms of monsters rather than stay in human form. You're very different from them."

"So daemons are called hellions now..." Velvet said hushed to herself without noticing that the man had taken off his brown cloak that had an opening by his right side and was handing it out to her.

"Put this on." Velvet looked at him strangely and looked at his clothing, a blue shirt and dark brown pants plus a sword on his back and a white fingerless glove on his left hand that seemed to have been covered by the cloak. "There's a village not too far from here and a good friend of mine lives nearby, there we can ask for some clothes for you. Don't worry, I've been taking care of a girl that was almost like you."

Velvet hesitated but took the cloak and puts it over her upper body. Once she was done, the man hold out his hands to help Velvet up on her feet but she stumbled forwards and the man catches her and hold her arms in order for Velvet to walk without her tripping out of balance. They didn't have to walk for long before they began hearing voices of laughing children just a mile away, there was a big house that sounded like an orphanage because of the sounds of many kids playing at the back of the house.

The man knocked on the door and a woman in her late 40's with dark blue hair and light brown eyes opened it.

"Simon, hello!" The woman exclaimed happily and now Velvet knew the man's name. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was going to visit you on my trip back to Camlann but took a shortcut through the forest and I sort of found her on the way." Simon explained as he turned his head to Velvet and the woman crossed her arms with grin.

"Picking up pretty girls, now?" The woman asked and Simon begins to panic as Velvet just watched the scene.

"Amanda, it's not what it looks like?!" Simon yelled in panic. Velvet began to giggle of the similar scene that happened to her and Phi a long time ago and the two stares at her.

"I know, you should at least ask about her name." The woman, Amanda, pointed out and Simon chuckles in embarrassment. "Who are you?"

"I don't remember much but my name, Selene." Velvet lied in case if someone knew who she was which was a high possibility.

"Poor you, having amnesia isn't easy, come in so we can get some clothes for you." Amanda said as she began to help Velvet inside the house, the interior of the house was exactly like what an orphanage would look like with a few toys here and there.

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