Journey Begins

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Velvet grinned as she usually never accepted someone to fix her hair without permission but she'll do an exception for this time since Lizzy was kind enough to fix it the way she did. After drying her body with the towel, Velvet hangs her braid over her shoulders so it would be easier to dress as she senses the familiar power of Simon by the other side of the door.

"You know I can sense you, Simon." Velvet said loud enough for him to hear. "There's no way to hide from me." Simon half grinned as he leaned against the door with his arms crossed.

"I wanted to ask you what kind of hellion you are, Selene." Simon explained as Velvet wraps her arm in the bandages. "Since you're the only hellion I've meet that doesn't seem to attack me the first thing you do."

"I'm a therion and also I was weak back there." Velvet replied, deja vu coming through like she had this conversation before.

"A therion?" Simon asked in confusion as he never had heard of a hellion like that.

"A monster that feed on foes to gain power, we use their powers as if it was ours." Velvet explained as she puts on the boots that was on the floor next to the cabinet while using the power of the sorcerer's ring to get the blades in them. "We live on malevolence to stay alive and I probably don't need much to get my strength back since I feel strange powers inside me."

"Is it from one of your meals?" Simon joked as the door opens and he falls to the floor with Velvet leans over him with a glare.

"Very funny." Simon chuckled a little as he sits up to look at Velvet's new clothing which impressed him.

A pretty red and white corset like shirt that has straps that connected to the back, white pants with a brown belt over them and long brown boots. A red and brown long jacket was covering her shoulders. Simon couldn't help but stare at Velvet's beauty even though her arm was covered with bandages but that couldn't be helped.

"Are you okay, Simon?" Velvet asked and the man before her snapped out of it and stood up.

"Sorry, I was just surprised by your appearance now that you have clothes on." Simon apologized and Velvet raised an eyebrow.

"Surprised by my appearance?" She slowly repeated in surprised and Simon nodded. "Wow, that was a first one."

"Should we go down? The kids was in the forest with Alice, Lizzy's little sister, playing like they were in wonderland." Simon explained as they go down the stairs. "So they'll come back by..." He waited until they got to the dining room before hearing the sound of a door opening. ""

Five children came running in, two girls and three boys, and as they got to Simon they tackled him down on the floor. The man laughed as the kids hugs him on the floor and Velvet sees another girl staring at them by the doorway, she has long black hair and the same emerald green eyes as Lizzy. In her arms was a bunny toy as she wears a blue dress with a white apron over it as well a horseshoe like necklace around her neck.

"Okay, now get off!" Simon ordered and all the kids did what he said before sitting on the floor as Simon sits up himself. "Guys, this is Selene, a girl I found in the forest. Selene, these are the orphans of this place. The boys are Markus, Leon and Gunner, the girls are Kelly and Mei."

"Hi!" The kids greeted her and Velvet felt really out of place as she waved to them.

"Simon, can you tell us about your trip?" Mei asked jumping up and down.

"Yeah! Tell us!" Gunner exclaimed.

"Patience, ladies and gentlemen. I'll just prepare myself to tell you in the backyard." Simon replied and kids hurried up to get to the backyard as the man chuckles as he stands up and Velvet looked at him. "Man, those kids."

"Looks like you have to babysit them." Amanda said as she stands in the doorway with arms crossed instead of the little girl and Velvet grinned as she snickered while Simon became nervous around the women.

Later on, Velvet was sitting on the porch as she was watching and listening on Simon's adventure. He had been on a trip to a place called Lastonbell to visit a man from the royal guards to help with a big problem out in the forest nearby, something told the therion he wasn't exactly telling the kids everything.

"He likes you." A girl voice said beside Velvet, surprising her before she turned her head to the side to see the girl with the bunny rabbit from before sitting beside her.

"You're that girl..." Velvet mumbled as she watched the girl looking at Simon.

"Simon isn't usually interested in women but you got his attention on the other hand." The girl said and Velvet looked at the group.

"He just likes me because of my appearance." Velvet replied.

"Simon has always had a good judgment on people he meets and when he gets to know you, then you see who kind of a person he is himself." The girl explained as she holds out an apple to the therion. "Want one?"

"Thank you..." Velvet took the apple in her hand but just stares at it as she didn't dare to eat it.

"Alice." Velvet glanced at the girl. "That's my name."

'I better get used to be called Selene, at least until they finds out.' Velvet thought before saying. "I'm Selene and before you ask, I don't remember much of what happened or my past."

"So that's what Lizzy meant you having amnesia."

"You have a wonderful sister, you know that." Alice looked at the therion in question. "I had a sister once but she died when I was young."

"Do you remember her name?" Velvet nodded as she stares at the apple.

"Her name was Celica."

"What happened to her?" Velvet didn't know what to reply as she wanted to keep her identity a secret as much as possible.

"You can trust her, Velvet. She's isn't like anyone else." The voice of Seres convinced her in Velvet's head, causing Velvet to hold her head with one hand because of the rush of dizziness. Alice looked at her worried when Velvet glanced at her.

"I'm alright, just felt dizzy all of a sudden. Celica died when she *sigh* fell down a hole in shrine together with her unborn child." Alice hugged her rabbit tighter in guilt. "The thing is, she was reborn into a spiritual being together with her child. Since then, she was with me and my brother when we grew up. But I killed her in order to obtain power to escape a prison..."

Velvet holds out her left hand and a small flame burn in her palm, the others noticed this and hurried over to see the flame. Simon on the other hand was surprised but proud and stepped forward.

"Guys, can you go in? I need to ask Selene something." Simon asked and they all walked away.

"Alice." Velvet said and the little girl stopped to look at her. "Can you keep everything I told you a secret? I don't want people to know those things." Alice nodded before going inside and Velvet dismissed the flame.

"Selene, I would like you to accompany me back to Camlann." Simon said and Velvet/Selene looked at him confused.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Because I would like to get to know you, also you need all the help you can get." Simon explained with a smile. "What do you say?" Velvet smiled gently, she really missed going on a journey.

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Velvet replied.

The day after, Amanda and Lizzy helped pack food for the journey as Velvet and Simon dressed themselves after being woken up by Alice. As soon as the sun came high in the sky, Velvet and Simon waved goodbye to the orphanage as they did the same. The two started their new adventure forwards the village of Camlann, that soon will become the origin village.

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