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"What?" Stiles stared at me, eyes open wide.

"You really don't remember do you?" I choked on my words, hiding my guilt and pain. When he didn't respond I explained. "It was that day when I had my first panic attack during the school day. We were at my locker and that note fell out of my locker from that bitch who always made fun of my weight. It said I was a fat bitch. And then you took me to the locker room so I could calm down and then you kissed me. And well we sort of just like made out."

"Oh shit I do remember that. I thought that was after you and Jackson had broken up," He said, giving me a hug. "I'm sorry."

"And I know we both had feelings for each other but we knew we couldn't do anything about it. I mean you were Scott's best friend and I was his sister. We decided that it would just be a one time thing," I explained, tears falling from my eyes. "Not that it matters anyway, I was with Jackson."

"Until he found out," Stiles surmised. I nodded, my body convulsing as I shook with sobs. "And that's when... Everything... Started?" I nodded again. Holding my breath to keep myself from crying.

I couldn't be upset over this. Jackson and I had broken up so long ago. And I knew everyone already knew about it but the fact that he brought it up again two years later is a mystery to me. And it hurt. A lot. Was he not over me? I was so over him. He treated me like shit for ten months. I don't even know why the hell I stayed with him.

"And I don't want the same thing to happen with Isaac. I mean, I like him! He's so sweet, I don't think he could ever hurt me. I mean, he's harmless... Other than the fact he's in Derek's pack. But I don't know what to do. I don't want the same thing to happen again," I sighed, letting all the emotions I had kept hidden so well fall out of my lips at lightening speed.

"He won't. He's selfless and shy. He would never hurt you. Yeah he's a wolf but still, he knows Scott and I can destroy him if he lays a hand on you."

"Stiles you're just a human," I laughed.

He put on a fake offended face. "I'm not defenseless though!"

"Yes I know sarcasm is your weapon," I giggled as his classic joke.

"Exactly," He smiled. "See, your panic attack went away! I told you I can always fix you!"

"Thank you. You're my anchor Stiles, you really are."

After our heart to heart conversation, we decided to make some popcorn and watch World War Z, our favorite zombie movie. I had seen it at least 10 times; I loved all the blood and the whole concept of it! It was so unique and original!

Somewhere around midnight, I fell asleep with my head on Stiles's lap and I don't even remember dreaming that night. It was completely obsidian. My last thought before drifting off was that Stiles was the reason I was okay. He kept me from doing bad things... Most of the time.


A/N: Sorry it's so short! I just wanted to put something up!

I thought this was really cute because it just shows how close Stiles and Rian really are!

It gives you a bit of a foreshadow into what will come later on:$ hope you liked it! I'll try to update again

this weekend:)

P.S. I wrote this at 7 AM on the plane! Creativity at it's finest lol

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