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Negan's Room - Later That Night
As Negan waited for his trusty slave to arrive as he commanded him to, he took it upon himself to revisit old images of his wife and him.

He was perked at the edge of his bed, chucking along and cursing as he turned each page of his photo album - he seemed to find each memory extremely comical and thrilling to look back on.

"Ah, Lucy..." he said as his hand pulled out a thin slip of photograph which had a picture of his deceased wife in her wedding dress. "Fucking beautiful woman, you know that?" He said quietly, "of course you know, I fuckin' tell-- told you each time your ass was bitching at me," he snorted, wiping a joyous tear away from the crinkle beside his eye. "Wedding night was fun, huh? Got our asses handed to us when we were kicked out of the damn hotel for being to loud," he mumbled with a wide grin of admiration, "then you asked the manager if 'being too loud' was a real issue." He began to laugh again, "oh, I miss ya'... Really, really.. Fucking miss y—"

A clattering sound within the room distracted Negan from his thoughts, he shot up - all the photos fell out and scattered along the floor- and whipped around, seeing Rick fuckin' Grimes himself, stood there.

...How much had he heard?

"You already got my balls in a knot, Grimes," Negan spat violently, fists crunched into tight balls by his sides.

Rick frowned, averting his gaze to the floor. "The door was-"

"Still doesn't make it impossible for you to knock," Negan answered the man sharply before he could even think.

"I'm sor-"

"Sit down," ordered Negan, eyes briefly flickering over to his couches which had a selection of food set out on silver plates all ordered along the surface of the coffee table.

The leader then knelt down, beginning to scoop up the pictures and lazily slot them back into the album.

"I'll pick those u-"

"Just sit down, Rick," Negan growled.

The sheriff did as he was told this time, he'd already run out of luck when he first stepped into the room anyway. He took a seat on one of the couches, looking down solemnly at his knees as he heard those daunting, slow footsteps soon grow closer.

Rick looked up, Negan was sat across from him with a menacing glance fixed on Rick's complexion.

"I'm trying Rick, I really am..." Negan sighed, sitting back slightly as he placed Lucy cautiously by his side.

His eyes locked with the retired sherif. "You just ain't pulling your weight around here – and the Devil himself knows I surely have given you enough chances."

Rick swallowed, his palms beginning to sweat as he nervously peered back at his leader, his heart pounding. All he wanted was to see his kids, but Negan was making this impossible - everything Rick did was seemingly not good enough.

It was never good enough.

"I'm sorry" was all Grimes could let out, though he was reluctant. As, in his eyes, he was doing everything he could to his own highest standard. Yes, he was aware his attitude was sometimes problematic but isn't that to be expected? He serves a man who killed his partner in cold blood.

Negan chuckled slowly in malice, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "Sorry hey? That won't cut it this time."

Negan arose, taking a hold of Lucille firmly before pacing around his chambers. It seemed as though he couldn't set Lucy out of his sight after rick had almost used her for firewood. Rick had noticed this.

"You probably think I don't see right through you Grimes, but I do. You think that right now, in this very fuckin' moment, I'm unaware as to the fact that you wanna rip my organs out one-by-one now more than ever?" He paused, Lucille resting behind his back. He leaned in, only inches away from Rick. "I'll give you one more go, how about that? Keep actin' like a dick-sucker though? I'll have to do something pretty fuckin' drastic about that, won't I?"

"Just tell me what you want me to do" Rick almost snapped, but managed to withdraw due to his stress within his two fists which were scrunched up into tight balls of pure anger.

Negan chuckled again, standing straight and leaning back slightly before he returned to Rick's eyes. "Look at you, Grimes" he licked his lips, his free hand going to stroke the other man's cheek in a suggestive, yet mocking manner - "Kinda makes my dick ache when you act entitled.. You know I'm the one giving the orders around here. That won't even change for you, sweetheart."

Rick tensed his jaw. The utmost urge to just punch Negan in his face was too much to bear.

Negan withdrew, walking towards the door. "Get your ass up, Rick. We're going on vacation - like real functioning families do" he snorted ignorantly, watching the other miserable man follow after his owner. "Aren't you excited?"

"Where are we-"

"Hey, asshat. No questions 'till we get there alright? My boys have a van waiting for us, supplies and all that good shit. Ill be driving - and I won't hesitate to curb stomp you if you're making my ears bleed through the whole journey. Got it?"

Rick nodded, unaware of what potential the next couple of days were doing to contain. His life was never the same since he left for that 'vacation'.

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