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Despite the bed providing him with so much comfort, Rick barely slept that night. He was used to it already but, this time it felt as though the whole night lasted a year.

He found himself beginning to drift off before jolting awake with a gasp, either picturing the deaths of those he loved or picturing Negan stood above him as he slept, a bloody Lucille clutched in his hands as he smiled so sinisterly, blood smeared over his jaw.

Rick was terrified, but also deeply confused.

He spent a lot of the night contemplating also. Why was this happening? How was it that he ended up here? Why didn't Negan beat his skull to a pulp already?

Rick knew Negan had given him too many chances, more chances than he'd give anyone else, and he couldn't pinpoint a reason as to why that was the case.

Sun began to bleed into the bedroom in the later hours of that morning, peering through the slightest gap in the blacked-out blinds.

Rick had been fully awake and conscious for a few hours at this point. He just laid in the king-sized bed, glancing at the vacant spot beside him. He wished it could have been Michonne who he woke up to, as he always used to.

Instead, Rick glanced over to Negan. He had seemingly rolled off the loveseat in the night, laying on his side, one arm behind his head and the other folded into his chest. He was snoring lightly, a noise which Rick grew to detest more each time he heard it.

Rick sighed. Was he allowed to leave the room even if Negan was yet to wake?

Rick knew he wasn't going to try and slaughter Negan that morning, or even attempt to escape. He had already done so much wrong, he couldn't risk losing the ability to see his family more than he had already.

Swinging his legs over the bed slowly, Rick was cautious to be silent in his actions. He stood up, fiddling with his clothes that he had laid in and had grew uncomfortable on his skin.

He timidly walked over to the door, staring at Negan intently with fear written all over his face. It was like creeping past a sleeping, savage bear.

Being sure to close the door quietly behind him, Rick treaded lightly along the hallway of the home, a thought springing to his mind.

He was going to explore this place, he had already discovered that Negan was a father due to sniffing around - what else could be uncovered?

Rick could tell that Negan had renovated the home in which they stayed in, there were many items and hints to point towards Negan's personalisation of the rather old building.

The prisoner walked towards one of the doors, remembering that they were spare bedrooms. Negan had said some of them were locked - and Rick was adamant to know why.

Approaching the first door, Rick tried his luck with the handle, pushing against it harshly before cringing after he made a loud noise.

He froze for a second, listening for any movement from Negan. Luckily, there was none.

Rick kneeled, peering through the lock of the door. Alas, all he saw was dark silhouettes of unidentifiable objects.

He heaved a sigh, giving the door another firm nudge before giving up on that plan until he had some better idea.

Grimes slipped into the next door, this one was seemingly not of concern as it was not locked nor fortified of entry.

Rick's light eyes stared into the bedroom, there were two twin beds and a dresser. The room was a mess, a lot of clothing and random pieces of accessories scattered over the floor. Rick couldn't tell whose these were. They weren't archaic, nor modern either.

'You are mine' « Negan x RickWhere stories live. Discover now