Act 4: The Confidante

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 Act 4

The Confidante

“Joshua!” I shrieked,” Don’t! You realize you're illegally kidnapping a girl, don’t you? You're supposed to be the shy boy. Oh, come on!” He pushed me down the stairs and I stumbled a few times, but he always caught me. I was still yelling at the top of my lungs when we finally reached the fourth floor. I tried to yank off the blindfold but something sharp prodded my back and I went completely silent. Was Joshua actually trying to kidnap me? He wasn’t that stupid, was he? We were in the middle of the school for goodness sake. Or maybe it wasn’t Joshua. Maybe it was a random bad guy who was hiding behind one of the corrugated metal ventilators on the roof, waiting for an unsuspecting victim to chance upon. Maybe he’d hurt Joshua!

My blood ran cold at the notion of the latter. I plodded on silently as my kidnapper navigated the school halls.

I thought about shouting to the students in the tens of classrooms I was passing by for help but my kidnapper somehow sensed this and brought his hand to my mouth, effectively shutting me up. I loathed him for having the upper hand: I would have turned around and kick his crown jewels if I wanted to. However, my legs could only move forward and completely disobeyed my orders. Dang you, legs. Of course, there was the small matter of that sharp thing poking me from behind, which I could only guess was a knife. Or a penknife. Or a toothpick.

I felt a gust of wind tear at my face, followed by the hasty shove down the building steps. I lurched down the still unfamiliar steps, staggering onto the pavement below. A hand was put at the small of my back, leading me undoubtedly to beyond the school gates. I shivered in apprehension. Was I ever going to see my dad or my ever so lovable brother Eli ever again? Would dad have enough money to pay my ransom fees? Probably not. Behind my blindfold, I shut my eyes tightly, praying my last prayers. I was aware of being thrust into a car, most likely the back row. I scooted over, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

Out of the blue, a hand yanked my blindfold from behind my head,” Hey! Give it ba- Aargh! The light! It burns my eyes!” I rubbed my eyes viciously, trying to get the stinging rays out of them. When I recovered, I saw my dear Joshua rolling around in the cramped car space, doubling over in a laughter fit. I scowled,” Kidnapping me isn’t funny, Josh. I really thought you were hurt.”

He couldn’t stop laughing, wheezing and coughing as he tried to stop,” Oh my—goodness, your words… ‘It burns my… eyes!’ … you sounded like… like a vampire!” *cough cough* “It was so funny, oh gosh. I poked you with a pencil and you thought it was a knife? I can't stop laughing,” he looked at me, coughing and snickering. My hard expression grew even harder,” ‘s not funny. You could’ve given me a heart attack.”

“Yeah right. Now let’s go!”

“But who’s going to drive us?” I said,” You're not planning on walking, aren’t you?” he looked at me like I was mad,” Of course we’re not walking. Can't you see that we’re in a car?” I turned to look at the driver’s seat and guess who I saw? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my darling brother Eli Frostwood! “What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in uni. Wait… are you in this as well?” I asked, horrified at the thought.

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