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It was a peaceful night in the Pokemon world.
There had been an unbreakable peace since the last war thousands of years ago. Technology has advanced at a near impossible pace and many new discoveries have been made on the theories of mega and primal evolution, and a new breakthrough is about to change the world... Forever. But that's a tale for another time, for on this night , a miraculous event is occurring .
Thousand of shooting stars decorate the sky with their colorful flames and tails. Many people and Pokemon alike took a good look at it and enjoyed the beautiful spectacle. Little did they know of what's to come. In all the cities and towns, continents and islands, forests and desserts, rivers and oceans, in every part of every place that Pokemon or Humans inhabit, there was a pause in time. In the deepest cave or ocean ravine, the spectacle was felt... but only a few saw the truth of the miracle and began preparing... for Deoxys was invading.
Few of the comets broke off and fell towards the earth. Most of their mass burned up in the atmospheric entry, so they cause little commotion where they crashed. A backyard, a mountain, deep into the ocean and woods... they fell all over Hoenn and aroused the curiosity of a few spectators. As they approached the meteors, however, a faint green glow grew in intensity from it until they were close enough to cover their eyes from it. That's when it happened.
A green round gem burst out of the meteor and tackled the curious Pokemons. An oddly colored ooze, a mix of sick green and salmon, came out of it and wrapped around the new victim, smothering their screams and stopping their trashing to escape its grip. In a few seconds, it had covered them entirely and the gem embedded into them. Their forms fell to the ground and changed shape and color slightly, looking more like rocks on the side of the crater. For the untrained eye, they were no more than part of the background, but upon close inspection, a soft heat would be felt from it, and the surface was slightly glossy.

Something is flying at high speed through the forest, sometimes popping up to check its reference point, an unknown mountain in the middle of the wilderness, too difficult to reach and far from civilization. Near the top, there is a cave opening. The creature soars over the tree tops and we see it is a Swellow with a scar across its forehead. He reaches the foot of the mountain and doesn't slow down as with a flap, it changes directions. Upwards it goes and as it passes the cave, we see faint colorful glows coming from inside. They are slowly blocked by a figure as it comes out. The Swellow lands near the entrance and waits, looking at the meteor shower with concern.
Out the cave walks an old, grizzled man with intense eyebrows and eyes. He wears a sort of poncho with strange signs in it. The symbols for alpha, omega, and delta are barely recognizable amongst the colorful line flowing through it.
He looks up at the sky and sighs.
"My friend, the time has come for us to seek our successors. Who they might be, and what they might be able to do is in the hands of fate now..."
He has a short flashback of a humanoid figure standing atop corpses of Pokemon, 2 thick vines for arms and a round glow from it's chest and eyes.
He shakes his head, trying to dismiss the terrible memory. "Come my friend, we have much work to do..."
And so, the Swellow broke its gaze of the sky and followed him into the cave, where 3 rocks glowed green, blue, and red...


SO, thank you very much for reading this story! It is my first and I'm gonna warn you now, it will be a bit darker than the cartoon Pokemon world, but will keep the innocence of it and Power Rangers. So it's gonna seem childish, but I want to keep things light for this story. My next one, 7DS Corps, will be VERY dark though...
Enjoy the story!

P.S. : I found the original paper I wrote YEARS ago and worked it into the intro cause I like it more to be honest. Enjoy! And sorry for the re-do.

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