Chapter 4: Test

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The figure was wearing a poncho with some colorful lines and was swinging a wide right. Em ducked beneath it, and Saph jumped back, but Ruby dashed forwards with a tight guard. He hit the figure with a full body tackle, but it didn't budge. Ruby was surprised for a moment and tried to pull back, but it was too late. The figure swung its arms down together, aiming at Ruby's back. Em was lower to the ground than either so she pushed Ruby sideways with her leg and bent it downwards to avoid splitting from the strangers swing and move it away quickly.
Ruby bounced back into the fray and sent a strong right hook. The stranger blocked it with a loud thud and caught Em's upward kick with his other hand. Suddenly, something was flying towards them from the back of the cave something large and-
The stranger made a sound of surprise, pushed Em and Ruby away, and tried to catch the big rock that was shot his way. THIS pushed him back a couple of feet, enough to get him out of the cave. With a grunt, he sent the rock backwards and downhill and gasped for breath.
Em and Ruby looked back to see Saph barely standing and gasping for air as well.
"How..." Ruby started asking but turned back to the stranger and looked at Emerald. She nodded and they slowly made their way back to Saph.
Em caught her on her arms. Poor girl looked exhausted.
"Here, sit down slowly." She did with Em's aid. Ruby was standing in front of them like a guard dog, not breaking gaze from the stranger who now stood straight again.
"Thanks, and sorry guys... I got so scared and mad I had to throw something..."
"Well next time you want to throw a car, please warn us first."
Ruby smiled. "Well you aren't short on strength, and this guys isn't short on time."
Em looked up to see the man sit down and pull his hood back. He had very bushy eyebrows and serious eyes. You could barely find his mouth in the light gray bush that was his long beard.
"Saph, Imma need you to sit for a little."
"N-no. I can stand."
And to their surprise, she did.
'Tough little thing, aren't you?'
"Well, I never thought I would miss it. Maybe be early, or even late, but to have it occur when I gathering? Che! I'll be damned if they ever found out." The old man said with a raspy voice. Seemed like he didn't use it often.
The trio looked at him confused, but kept their guard up.
"So, chosen ones, did you finish the ritual?"
He waited, expecting something from them.
"Chosen ones?" Em asked with a frown.
GASP! The old man jolted up with a start.
"DUDE!" Ruby yelled. "We were going by our day, and out of nowhere we were teleported here!"
The old man took a step in.
"But but but... but the altar..."
Em stepped forward. "We were curious about it and touched it. It shone and crumbled."
'No need to tell him everything, afterall.'
"But my chief had me protect it for so long and it NEVER DID THAT! You are the chosen ones... You MUST be!"
"ENOUGH WITH THIS CHOSEN ONES STUFF!" Saph yelled to everyone's surprise. "Just tell us why it matters and we'll be on our way!"
The old man stood dumbfounded. He was at a loss of words... He felled back on his butt and mumbled something.
"What?" Ruby asked, taking a step forwards too.
"Do you have the tablets?" He said with a low voice.
Everyone shifted uncomfortably, but held them up.
"Did you saw creatures of light rush you?" 'Again with the low voice.'
Gulping, they nodded.
"Have you performed the ritual of borrowing?"
The looked at each other for clues. "The what?"
The old man stood and raised his arm. Suddenly he yelled: "Swellow, let me borrow your power!"
Something flew upwards behind him, a shadow of navy, white, and red. It came crashing down unto him and just as it was about to, the old man yelled: "Poke-Leihen!!!"

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