Chapter Six

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Andy's POV

My heart beat sped up as I stepped out of the limo, CC by my side. It was our wedding day.. a day that I've been waiting for forever.

My palms got sweaty as we stepped into the church, through the back door. . a million questions running through my head. What if he doesn't show up?

CC and I stepped into the green room, pulling the dress I had ordered online out of the bag. I gasped, it was even more perfect than I imagined. It was a gorgeous blood red strapless dress with black trimming, my favorite colors.

I squealed like a little kid, eager to put in on. CC laughed, "Here you go Andy."

He handed me the folded dress and I eagerly took it, holding it up to my body. I started stripping my clothes off, not caring that CC was still standing there.

"Whoa man. I'm gonna leave now.."

I laughed, slipping the dress on. I stared back at myself in the mirror. I gasped.. I actually looked.. good. I've never felt this way abut myself.. I never thought I would.

CC and Sammi entered the room, both of them drooling over my dress. "Wow Andy. You look great!" CC spoke.

"You really do Andy." Sammi said. "I'll do your hair and makeup."

I sat down in a chair as Sammi straightened my hair, carefully running the flat iron over all my hair. She lined my eyes with eye liner and added blood red lipstick to my lips.

"All done." She spoke, leading me to the mirror once more. I stared back at myself in the mirror in shock.. I feel.. beautiful.

"Thank you guys so much!" I cried, giving both of them a huge hug.

"Don't mess up your makeup." Sammi laughed. "Go get em tiger."

CC had agreed to walk me down the aisle because my dad was dead, so we both walked to the doors of the sanctuary. I started to shake as I heard the music start up, my heart racing.

"Hey. It's gonna be okay Andy.." CC said, grabbing my arm. The doors opened and everyone turned to look at us. I could spot everyone- my mom, Leda, Jake, Jinxx, Emma, Renne, and some of Ash's family. Ash smiled at me, never taking his eyes off me as we started to walk down the aisle.

My heart sped up as we reached the altar, Ash's chocolate brown eyes linked with mine. CC dropped my arm and sat down next to Jake in a seat. Ash grabbed my hands, both of us smiling like freaks at each other.

The priest stepped up and started the sermon.


"Ashley, do you take Andrew to be your husband, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." Ashley spoke, our eyes still connected.

"Andrew, do you take Ashley to be your husband, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." I spoke proudly, lost in Ashley's eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the bride."

I smiled as Ash connected our lips, gripping onto my waist. I deepened the kiss, my heart pounding. It was like we were the only people in the room.. It's just Ash and I.

We broke apart, both of us smiling from ear to ear. The sound of clapping hands filled the room as we walked back down the aisle, hand in hand. We exited the sanctuary, our lips connecting again.

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.." Ash whispered in my ear, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I kissed him again, pouncing at him. He stumbled back but still managed to catch me, holding me in his arms.

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