Chapter One: Pilar DeLaSoul-DeGrate / My Life

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Hey there! My real name is Eden Nadine Pilar Ferguson. I was born December 1, 1977 in St. Andrew, a parish in Barbados. I am the third of seven children born to Sarabi, a Honduran seamstress and Kofi, a Senegalese diamond hunter. My parents met in the 1960s during the counterculture movement in America and married in 1970. I have two older siblings: Goyle and Gayle (born in 1974), and four younger siblings Zoltan (born 1979), Ventura (born 1980), Sharif (born 1987) and Makeda (born 1989). My parents divorced in 1992 when I was 15, which had a great impact on me. My father cheated on my mother and throughout their 22 year marriage beat on her. From that point on, she raised me not to take it. We moved to the United States the same year. 

After graduating from high school in 1994, I moved to New York and studied art at Columbia University.  A year later in May 1995, I met Donald Earle DeGrate Jr., aka DeVante Swing in a nightclub. I had just come from a pee break and he had been following me all night, talking mad jazz: "I think ya real fly, let me talk to you for a minute." He stepped off when he found out my age, saying that ''I'mma wait on ya, I'll see you later future wife." He was a clever bastard, I'll give him that. 

We ran into each other again in July 1997. After five months of rejecting him, we went out on a date and at the Titanic premiere in L.A., he proposed to me! I said yes, but shortly after the engagement, I realized that our future together as a couple wasn't right. He was more into partying and flirting with chicks than being a married man. I called off the wedding in 1998 and moved back to New York and opened up my own art studio called 5. DeVante and I crossed paths again in February 1999 and we got back together. On April 25, 2000, I became Mrs. DeVante Swing. Twelve years go by and I should be happier than ever, but sadly...I'm not.

Looking in the mirror, I see bruises and dry blood on my body. I'm a shell of my former self and if I don't get back to my old self.... fill in the blanks.

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