Chapter 4: What is Love?

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I rang the bell a couple of times and waited until someone opened the door. Cecily wasn't talking to me and I missed her. I missed her a lot.

I ringed again and waited. Normally Cecily's little sister would open the door as soon as she saw the bell ringing. I almost rang another time but before I did so, the door opened and a mini version of Cecily beamed at me.

Nina, She signed with excitement, I missed you.

Cecily's little sister was deaf, she had a severe hearing loss. Ceci and I learnt sign language together.

I missed you too. I signed back, Cecily?

She didn't say you were coming. When she finished signing, Lilly dragged me inside the house and to the living room.

She's mad at me, I signed when we sat and Lilly could see me. Lilly opened her eyes blue wide in surprise.

What did she do?

I laughed at her reaction. It was my fault. It was always my fault...

Lilly gave me a sympathetic smile and signed, She'll get over it, she can never stay mad for long.

I laughed and nodded. So, where is she?

She's not home, she's with – at the last sign, I frowned, not understanding the word.

With what? I signed with a frown, Lilly repeated, I shook my head. I don't think I've ever seen that. With her index finger pointing right, she pressed it against her chin and caressed her skin twice.

I don't know, Lilly. I frowned. Cecily was better at sign language than I was... I knew enough to talk to Lilly but... I got stuck sometimes.

How ironic, I get stuck with words even when I have to sign them...

B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D Lilly signed letter by letter.

I tried my best not to show how what Lilly had told me affected me. It was like being dropped into an ocean of cold water. It froze every single muscle in my body and surprise, surprise, I didn't know what to say.

I stayed with Lilly for the rest of the evening, waiting for Cecily to get to her house. Lilly and I watched TV and made some popcorns, her parents went to bed around 9 pm because they had to get up early in the morning. It was around 10 pm when Cecily finally showed up. She rang the bell and the lights turned on and off in the living room, letting Lilly know someone was at the door. She ran towards the door and opened it before I got there.

"Hey," I smiled at Cecily, her eyes looked red and puffy.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you," I told her, she looked at me for a few seconds before turning to Lilly and signing something to her. Lilly signed back quickly, so fast that I could barely understand their conversation.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Lilly has to go to the dentist tomorrow morning, she shouldn't be awake. Go to bed." Cecily said while she signed to Lilly just as fast as Lilly answered. After a minute, Lilly gave up and with a sigh, she hugged me and signed goodnight.

"That girl will honestly be the end of me," Cecily sighed throwing her body on the couch. I giggled, sitting next to her. "I had to bribe her with money for her to go sleep..."

"Great parenting..." I joked, "Are you taking her?"

"Apparently Mum is," Cecily sighed, "I'm hungry."

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