Chapter 11: Understanding.

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○ Cecily's POV

Abby didn't like my music.

She didn't like the sad melody, she didn't like the deep lyrics and she didn't like that I spent too much time inside my head.

I watched Abby as she sat in my chair, looking for nicer songs on Spotify, saying something about wanting to cheer me up. I sighed and looked out the window.

"Why don't we go to a party?" Abby asked as Remind me to Forget by Kygo Ft. Miguel started playing. I don't think Abby listened to the lyrics, I think she just liked the beat. I groaned to myself when I heard Miguel's singing.

"Please change the song," I asked, almost begged. Abby quickly changed it.

"You can't stay in your room the whole time, Ceci," Abby said softly and carefully as if she didn't know how to talk to me. "You said it yourself, breaking up with her was the best thing to do for both of you."

"It doesn't make it less painful."

Truth was, I missed her. I missed her like I had never missed anything in my life before. It felt like a part of me was ripped from my body, I was aching and hurting and I didn't even know exactly where all the pain was coming from.

"I got over Tom, didn't I?" Abby carried on with a faint smile on her face, approaching me and holding my hand. "You were there for me, you helped me through the night when I cried myself to sleep wondering why he did all those things, you grabbed the phone off my hand when I was going to reply to his booty calls... you were there for me and I'm here for you, that's what friends do."

"Believe me when I say that it'll get easier." She finished, raising my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. Her blue eyes bored into mine as if they were expecting something from me. I felt a pressure in my chest, I wanted to take my hand from hers and scream at her.

It wasn't the same. What she had with Tom wasn't the same as what I had with Nina. I loved Nina. I love Nina. We had been together for years, she was all that I've ever known, all that I wanted to know. Nina wasn't just someone who walked by me and asked me out because 'we made sense together' or because 'we look good together' Abby and Tom got together because it was what was expected from them, granted, Abby fell for him but it wasn't the same. It would never be the same.

"Come on, Ceci, let's go out?" She tried again, this time pulling my index finger.

I was thinking of an answer, a way to say no but before I could open my mouth, my little sister walked inside my room, startling me.

NINA? My sister signed, looking around my room for Nina. Where's Nina?

Who told you Nina was here? I signed back, frowning.

Mum said you were with a friend.

Yes, A-B-B-Y. I signed as I pointed at Abby.

Well, where's Nina? There was a slight disappointment in her eyes, the way she looked at Abby as if she wasn't quite what she was expecting.

I don't know.

Without signing, Lilly turned around and walked out with an attitude. I stared at the door, thinking about Nina.

I always thought my sister had a small crush on Nina. It was kind of obvious. She'd blush and giggle when Nina said something nice about her hair and that dumb nickname thing they had going on. It was adorable. It was annoying. I wonder if Nina would hang out with Lilly if I asked her too. I didn't want Lilly to lose Nina just because we weren't together anymore. It wasn't fair.

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