Chapter 1

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The Beginning


Blake Colton glanced at the only weird thing in his office, the guitar-shaped clock on the wall given to him by his younger sister Sophie. It fascinates him, how it tick-tock throughout the day minding its own business. Finally, it’s nearing six o'clock. Almost time to start his weekend away from work, and he just can't wait.

Exhausted, he ran his hands through his raven black hair and yawned. He seemed to be lacking of energy and no matter how much he rested, he can't seem to reboot. His been working his butt off that his day off just pass by in a blur. His social life is a little bit shaken but his relationship with his bed is hanging by the moment. All because his work demands his attention longer than necessary that he sacrifices his rest and probably risk his health.

Yet what can he do being the Blake Colton is tough. After all he is the number one surgeon of the country, the eldest son of the Doctors Hospital and Pharmaceuticals Franchise, and one of the most sought after bachelors of this generation. People thinks highly of him and they expect a load of things from him.

His life seemed controlled.

Sitting, he positioned is hands below his head and stretched his legs underneath his table. His work hours is about to end and his excitement is rising by a notch. Seeing those two blue eyed balls of energy makes him want to leave already. Basically, his spending his day off with his favorite nephews Christophe and Christian – Nathan and Cassie’s Twins, as their parents goes on a date. It'll be him babysitting for them, calling it "Cool Guys Day".

A smile draws in his face as the clock reads six o'clock. Time to gather his things and pack them up. "No need to rush", he said to himself. And he began to pull off his white lab cloth from his shoulders. But before successfully doing the deed a knock was made from his door. And a frantic looking Nigel, his assistant, came in. "Doctor they need you on the operating room.” And all his hope of having fun is flushed down the toilet.

Seven hours later…

He dragged his worn out body from the operating room. It was a success but it took all his extra energy. Not to mention his majorly pissed off. There were a couple of available doctors who could do the operation. But those doctors are so lazy that they decided to pass down the responsibility to him. They always do this and it makes him want to punch the crap out of them. He sighed trying to calm his anger. It downed to him, He just need a drink. Entering his office, He searched for a bottle of whiskey. He might regret it later, but it’s a better companion than nothing.

“I’m tired of this life” He said to no one in particular. “I can’t go on like this” Thinking of it now, He needs a break, to bring back his old self, put his life on track and have fun. He need a time away from all of this. But how would he do that? Where would he go? Who would he call? Think Blake, think brain. Him! Right him! He looked for his phone and typed away his phone number. He knows it’s late but this is an urgent matter. He heard it rang, once, twice and then he blurted out.

“I want a ticket out of here!”


"What are you saying Blake?"

"Nathan, I want to leave this place. Pull some strings so I can leave this place already."

"Call down." He glanced to the table to his right to see the time. "It's one in the morning, can't this matter wait a few more hours? You do know people sleeps during this hour, right?" He heard a little noise, indicating his moving, before a gulping sound. "Are you drunk Blake?"

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