{6} Help has come and so has love

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Freddy's POV
The girls fall asleep so each of us pick one of them up and take them to Anthony's car because it's the only one big enough
Anthony's car⬇️

Freddy's POV The girls fall asleep so each of us pick one of them up and take them to Anthony's car because it's the only one big enough Anthony's car⬇️

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We put them in the car but Tomika has to sit on Zack's lap. Anthony gets in the driver's seat and we drive to their house. Once we get there, we know where the  key was. So we go inside and go to Hannah's room and place them on the bed. We go downstairs and watch supernatural. Then Esme comes down first.
E- What happened. WAIT (Runs downstairs) WHAT HAPPENED
L- We brought you home after what happened
E- Oh ok (sits down by Lawrence) why are you guys watching supernatural. Wait what originally happened
L- You forgot
E- Kinda. Oh wait I remember (gets up and starts tearing up) Uh I'm gonna go
Then Tomika comes running down the stairs
T- NO NO NO (Runs toward the fridge and checks it) Oh thank God. It's still here
Z- What
T- I had a dream where. There was no more food left in the fridge. It was more like a nightmare. How did I get here
Z- We brought you back after the incident
T- What incident (remembers) Oh that, um I'm gonna go to my room
Z- (grabs her arm) don't go
T- (Nods her head)
S- (runs down crying)
Well I guess she remembered already. She tries to leave but I pick her up and bring her back and put her on the couch. Then Hannah Screams and falls down the stairs. I think on accident. I honestly don't know
A- Are you ok
H- Nope every person likes falling down the stairs
A- (helps her up)
H- Ok 1. Tomika did you check the fridge and 2. What happened
T- I checked it and remember the incident
H- Uh yea (falls and starts crying)
E- Do we need to leave
H- Uh no I'm not gonna kill anyone
Then Kale and some random girls come in. I thought we locked the door
Summer's POV
Kale and our sworn enemies come through the door. Jada,Emily,Sofia
K- Well well if it isn't the sluts.
J- Hi Hannah
Em- Tomika
Sa- Esme
T- What do you want
J- Aww who are these cuties (touches Anthony)
A- (Blushes)
K- Thats Anthony, Lawrence, Zack, and then Freddy
I look over at Hannah and for the first time. She looks hurt and looks like she's not gonna kill someone.
S- *Whispers to Esme* Uh I'm worried
E- *Whispers* Why
S- *Whispers* Hannah doesn't look like she's gonna kill them
Hannah's Pov
After Jada touches Anthony and he Blushes. I knew that If he did like me. He would stop and especially after he figured out about my life. I walk to the stairs
K- Aww. The little slut is jealous.
J- Aww that's just adorable. Hey Anthony would you want to go out with me
After she says that. I break. I walk back downstairs
H- You know Jada. I think anyone would rather go out with a piece of shit than ever go out with you and especially anyone who has a decent amount of sense
J- Well I bet he would rather go out with me than a slut. Especially one who is broken,abused, and raped.
H- (starts crying) Again your right. Your all right about me. I'm a slut, whore, loser, a girl who gets abused and raped and has to act tough. To cover who I am. So guess what. This is me and you got what you want. So go date anyone. Ok if you want you can have me say it to the world but let me just tell you. YOUR A SELFISH HOE
Then I get up and run outside with tears running down my face. I go to the school even though it's closed they always leave the doors open.
Tomika's Pov
Hannah just left and I'm kinda shocked.
T- You guys are bitchs
Em- The only bitch here is you
T- (slaps her face) Jada what did you do
J- Made that ugly slut cry
S- Yea that's the problem
J- Hey she should know that she's not tough and a slut. I just told her that
Em- Oh shut up, atleast she doesn't have an abusive brother
T- (grabs baseball bat and knocks all of them out) That felt so good
Z- Ok put down the bat
S- Ok what we need to do is find Hannah before something happens
A- Like
E- Uh she kills herself. She tried before but we were able to stop her
We all get in Anthony's car while Lawrence tried to track her
L- Uh guys she's at the school
T- You mean the place she hates the most
L- Uh yep
Anthony drives to the school and we rush inside
T- Do you know what room
L- She's in the music room
S- Really
L- Postive
We all go the music room to see Hannah playing the piano and singing
Hannah's song⬇️

We all just look at her and then I see blood streaks running down her arms and wrist. I just stare at them. Then Hannah stops playing and grabs the blade
S- Hannah stop
H- Summer. Oh no god am I going crazy
S- Your not going crazy. Now stop ok
T-What is it Summer
S- Hannah was
H- Singing incorrectly ok
E- yea I don't believe you
S- Cuz it's not true (grabs Hannah's arm) She was cutting herself
Hannah's Pov
After Summer shows my arm. I run out and go to the janitors closet and hide in there crying.
Anthony's Pov (for the first time)
After Hannah leaves all I can do is worry. I admit I like her but what I don't get is why in the world did she get mad at Jada. I was personally kinda mad at her myself. Well all of of us split off and try to find her. The first place I can think of is the cafeteria. Which would be to obvious but then I decide to check the janitors closet even though she will most likely not be in there. I go to the janitors closet and turn on the light. To see Hannah cutting herself
A- Stop
H- No
A- Im serious
H- (stands up) So am I
A- (grabs blade and drops it)
H- Will you quit it
A- No (picks her up and takes her to the nurse)
I take Hannah to the nurse and grab the bandage and wrap it around her arm.
I pick her up and take her off the exam table.
H- Why
A- Why what
H- Why are you helping me
A- Because your my friend and I care about you
H- Oh (disappointed)
S- You found her.
E- Hannah. Your alright
H- Sure
We all get back in my car and drive back to their house for the second time today. We all go inside and Hannah runs upstairs saying she'll be back
Hannah's Pov
I run upstairs real quick to change
Hannah's outfit⬇️

 We all go inside and Hannah runs upstairs saying she'll be backHannah's Pov I run upstairs real quick to change Hannah's outfit⬇️

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I honestly thought that Anthony might like me but who would. I run back downstairs and go to the kitchen and grab an apple.
T- Your postive your fine
H- Absolutely not
S- ok then. What's wrong
H- I just have something bothering me but that's it
E- What
H- Something I won't tell you (goes to the backyard)
A- I'll talk to her
Z- Yep talk to your girlfriend
A- I hate you (walks out)
I just stare at the trees and the grass until he comes
H- What is it
A- What's wrong
H- A lot of things which one specifically
A- Why your bothered
H- Oh it's nothing important
A- Hey why did you sound disappointed when I told you why I was helping you
H- I just over believed in something and then it was destroyed
A- What did you over believe about
H- That someone would like me for me
A- And I destroyed that
H- Kinda but Jada and Kale were right no one does
A- That's not true
H- Ok then name one person and I'll believe you
A- Anthony
H- Yourself
A- Yep
H- Wait (gets lost in thought)
A- (kisses her) Me. Now stop over thinking it
H- (Blushes) I was honestly not thinking about that but sure go with that
I walk back inside blushing and going straight to the stairs
S- Why are you blushing
H- Im not
E- Liar Liar Ass on fire
H- Im not a liar (comes back down) Why would I lie about me blushing
T- Lots of reasons
H- Name one
T- Anthony
H- (Blushes) Fuck you (runs to the fridge and grabs a water)
F- Do you ever leave that fridge
H- Sadly yes (pours water on Tomika)
T- What was that for
H- Lots of reasons
A- Hey (walks in)
E- What did you do to her
A- Nothing why
E- She's more sarcastic than before and ruder
H- Because you people won't stop teasing me
T- And never will

A/n: Sorry it took so long but here it is

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