{9} Don't you get it

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Tomika's Pov
I was in the kitchen with Zack because well no one was down there. So he surprised me and we made out for like 5 minutes not a big deal. Still fully dressed and clean. I start hearing crashing and crying and most of all Screaming. It sounds like it's coming from the basement. I grab Zack's arm and pull him down there with me.
Z- Tomika this is a bad idea
T- Yea but I'm gonna find out what's wrong. Trust me Boops
We go down there and see Hannah on the floor passed out. I run up to her and feel her pulse
Z- Is there a pulse
T- (starts tearing up) Yea but it's really low. Go and get the others and call 911
Z- Ok Boops (runs upstairs)
The first ones down is Summer and Freddy
S- HANNAH (Runs to her)
F- Tomika did you check
T- Yea it's low
Then Esme and Lawrence
E- Hannah (walks up and starts crying)
L- Oh my goodness
Then Anthony and Zack
A- What happened
T- I don't know
Z- the ambulance is on it's way
I get up and hug him
*20 minutes of sadness later*
(AB- Ambulance people)
The ambulance come and put her on a gurney. I start crying harder.
AB- Relations
S- We're all just her friends but I know her cousin and sister
AB- Ok then if you can get a hold of them. Tell them to come to Valley star Hospital
E- Yes sir
They leave and we all get in Anthony's car and go to the hospital. We got Madeline but not her cousin. She was out of the county for work. Only for a day though
When we get there. We see the nurse
S- Hi what room is Hannah Harris in
N- Room 560, she is in a minor comma. It won't last longer than a week
We go to her room and I see her laying there unconscious and so pale. It looks like she's dead but she's not. Zack grabs me and places me in his lap. While Freddy and Lawrence does the same. While Anthony just sits there worrying. Then the doctor comes in
D- Ok so she will most likely wake up today or tomorrow and her passing out was caused by anxiety (leaves)
H- Ow what happened
T- Hannah I don't have time for that. I'm depressed
They all look at me
T- What
H- Answer that question yourself
S- Your awake
H- Obviously but I'm in a lot of pain
E- What happened to you
H- Uh I don't wanna talk or think about it. Could you just get the nurse. So I could leave
E- Sure and Madeline is on her way
H- Cool
E- (leaves)
S- Why don't you wanna tell us
H- I just can't and won't. Sorry
T- Why are you being so stubborn
H- When am I not
F- She makes a good point
E- I signed you out. They said I could. We can go now
H- (gets up) Lets go
We all go back to the house and we are still trying to get Hannah to tell us what happened. Zack comes in my room
Z- Hi boops
T- Hi
Z- Whats wrong
T- Im worried. Hannah never acts like this
Z- It's ok boops, we'll find out what's wrong. I promise
T- Really
Z- Yes (kisses her) Now Lets go back down and investigate
We both went downstairs and I talked to everyone except Hannah about the plan
S- Whats up
T- I have a plan
E- Spill
T- We're going to force her to tell Madeline and we will have the conversation being recorded and then we can help
A- I'll call Madeline (calls her) NOW (Hangs up) Ok she's on her way
S- You literally only said one word
A- It was a difficult conversation
We all look back at Hannah to see her on the kitchen counter listening to music. Then Madeline comes in
M- What do you want Anthony
A- We need your help to figure out what's wrong with her (points to Hannah)
T- Exactly
M- Ok
S- We're going to give you a tiny microphone so we hear everything
M- Ok
Hannah's Pov
I'm just laying on the kitchen counter listening to music, looking at the ceiling. Blocking everything out. I'm just so depressed. The night I wrecked the basement was for something horrible. This is why I let Jada torture me. I can't ever let anyone know. Not even my cousin or Madeline knows. Then they start moving toward me.
H- (falls off) OWWW
A- (Helps Her up) Summer why did you yell
H- Really. I could hear you if you spoke to me in a normal voice
S- Sorry. Anyways Madeline wants to talk to you. It's important
M- Yea. In your room
H- Ok
We head to my room and I close the door and we both sit in my bean bag chairs
H- Ok what is it
M- What's been going on with you lately
H- Why are you asking
M- Because you seem off and I'm your sister
H- I'll tell you but I'm begging you not to tell none of them
M- Ok
H- I have a bipolar disorder. For the last 3 years and this year it's effected me the most. I'm just so depressed. That's why I wrecked the basement. I hate that I worry all of them. That's why I'm thinking of just leaving and going back to Vegas
M- Wow. I'm sorry (hugs her)
H- It's ok Madie (hugs back)
We hug for 5 minutes and then she tells me her mom wants her back. Wait doesn't this make her my mom. I'll have to meet them. She goes home but my friends are nowhere to be found. I just shrug and go to the park.
Summer's POV
After Hannah says all of that. I get really worried and I hug Freddy. We all start worrying and just group hug. I can't believe she never told me or Tomika or Esme. We all go downstairs and she's not there. We all look around the house trying to find her but she's gone.
S- Guys where do you think she went
E,Z,T,F,L- No idea
S- Well this is bad
All- Yep
Hannah's Pov
I went to the park and I see everybody so happy. I wish my life was like that but it never will be. Then I decide to just walk around. People seem to have perfect and happy lives. Even though that might not be true. To other people that's all the see. When you look at me. You see someone who is kinda fearless and fun and caring. But deep down I'm like a broken picture frame. Broken into so many pieces. It could be fixed but who would bother trying. It's too broken to be fixed. I know my friends are there for me and try to fix me but what's the point of trying.
I decide to walk back to the house and the only thing I wanna do when I get there is. Cut. When I get there I see them all with tears in there eyes. I must have missed something
H- What is wrong with you people. I don't get it
They all look at me and then the run up and hug me. I push them all off
H- Ok what did I apparently miss
H- I went to the park. Down the street. About only a block away.
T- Wait that's it
H- Uh yea. Where did you think I went. To some werid place. Like a drug store
They all just look at me
F- Not exactly a drug store but something like that
Z- No reason
H- Hey can I tell you something Zack
Z- What
H- Your a shitty Liar (walks away)
I go upstairs to change into some pajamas
Hannah's pajamas⬇️

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