Causing more trouble

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Ben's Pov

After E.J confronted me and y/n yesterday he told Slenderman, it may appear he is overreacting but we all have learnt not to take possible threats lightly, which makes this even better. So now Slender has been all on my arse watching me where I go trying to find out if I send the video, reading my mind to see if i'm thinking about it probably. Lucky i'm pretty good at keeping my mind away from that subject.

Sweat runs down my forehead, my tongue stuck out to the side, videogame controller in my hands, level 360, Slenderman standing in the corner of the room staring me down. The intensity of the situation consumes the room.

" NOOOOO!" I groan and throw my controller across the room and throw my head back.

'I feel like crying'

I roll my eyes around the room before looking back at the television. 'Level 1, begin?'

Sighing I get up and turn the television before storming off, Slenderman STILL following me.

Your pov

we watch Ben storm off, raging because of his lose. Then Jeff laughs "Ha ha! FINALLY, he was playing for fucking forever!"

Running over to the coach he jumps on the seat and gets comfy, picking up the remote turning it back on and watching some fighting show. I walk over to him and think about how I promise to play with sally yesterday but didn't...'oh well, she'll forgive me'.

On the television one of the men, who had no hair and dark brown eyes started bashing in the head of another man who had shaggy blonde hair and green eyes. Soon the blonde haired guy's head caved in and blood went everywhere, the bald one smirking and dropping his body, blood covering his hands.

I laugh and point at the screen, maybe enjoying it as much as Jeff was. When I laughed Jeff stopped cheering and looked over to me before smiling impossible widely again. He put his hands around me and sat me on his lap, as we both watch the next round go on, the bald one winning again dismembering the other guy.

The door from the kitchen  opens and someone stands in the doorway, the same women who stood in my doorway the first day I got here. Jeff turned his head and his good mood seemed to disappear.

She chuckled "Hmm, haven't gone soft have ya Jeffery?" she referred to me sitting on Jeff's lap.

I look up to Jeff's face concerned before he looks at me and speaks "This, y/n is Jane, the ugliest bitch you will ever see or hear off."

Jane scoffs "Swearing in front of a Child Jeffery? how irresponsible of you?"

"shut the fuck up jane! I say what I want and DON'T call me Jeffery you slut!"

"Awww, why? did I hurt your feelings Jeffery?"

Jeff tenses up and careful puts me down on the lounge before standing up and running up to Jane.  "Listen jane," he pulls out his knife. "I will Scalp you and skin you, before burning you alive AGAIN!" he then swings his knife at Jane which she dodges before getting her knife out too. Now she was really angry.

"you burnt me alive and kill my Family JEFFERY! your a piece of fucking shit!!!" then she swings her knife at Jeff to, lightly cutting his forehead.

I run in-between the to, Jeff's knife stopping just at my head, but not touch me while Jane's knife cuts lightly from my lower left cheek to besides my nose. It hurts a lot, but when i'm angry there's no time to feel pain.

Jeff yells "Y/n! are you okay! i'm going to fucking gut you Jane!"


Jeff tries to lunge at her but I yell "Stop it Jeff!" and he stops and looks down at me confused, I hen smile mischievously and wink playfully at him, now turning around and looking at Jane.

"Jane~, what does 'Fucking' mean~" Jane's hateful glare goes away looking shocked at me before her stare hardens again.

"Look kid don't be saying that word"

I Jeff scoff, I think he now realises what i'm doing.

"Fucking, fucking.... fucking" I whisper under my breath looking down.

Jane put's her hands up defensively "Kid don't be saying that your gonna get in trouble."

"But you said it?~"

Jeff laughs and pats my shoulder "Good on Ya y/n!"

Jane looks back at Jeff "You said it Fucking too!"

 "He did? I didn't hear him" I lie.

"Kid, just don't be-"

ignoring her I start walk away still whispering 'fucking' under my breath just loud enough for them to shear. I then stop as Jane starts to approach me and look up, before running up the stairs and down the hallway laughing playfully yelling 'fucking'


Some other creepypasta's come out of there doors and look at me in confusion watching Jane chasing me. Glancing back for a second I see Jeff at the stairs having a laughing fit.


Jane yells out from behind me "Kid! stop! you-"

I slam in to two pairs of long slender legs and fall back on my bottom. 'I hate being so small...' standing in front of me is... you guessed it, Slenderman, he folds his arms and looks down at me. "Now where did you get such appalling language?"

Still sitting on the ground my legs out in front of me, I point at Jane who's standing nervously behind me. "She also called me a 'Dumbass kid', is that a good thing?"

Slender looks over to Jane coldly. "Jane why would you be using such vulgar words in front of her?"

"Slender! I can um, It's just, Jeff-"

Slender shakes his head "No excuses, I expected better from you, come to my office Jane, where we'll discuss this behaviour."

Jane groans "But!-"

"No buts, also, Y/n, That words is a bad word, please don't let me catch you using it again?"

Nodding my head I agree and watch the two disappear in thin air. I hear footsteps running up to me, everyone else going back to whatever they were doing now that the shows over. Two hands wrap around my arms and help me stand up.

"Ha ha! way to go! your fucking awesome kid!"

"Thanks Jeff!"

"C'mon lets go watch the rest of our show"

"Yay!" I keep up with Jeff's pace as we walk down the hallway. I grab his hand and swing our arms.

Jeff looks down at me surprise, but I smile back at him. He then laughs and picks me put me on his shoulders as I squeal happily.


'Jane's not going to be here much longer as long as i'm here..... heh heh....."

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