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Slender and the remaining conscious pasta's through themselves at Zalgo until all that remained were me, Sally and Slender. Slender's face split open and frowned angrily at Zalgo. That's when i snapped, i had enough, my face scrunched up and anger boiled up in my stomach, it boiled in my gut and in my veins, i felt my teeth begin ti sharpen, and my eyes warm up as they start to glow.

I let out a blood curdling screech gaining attention to the two demons in front of me, i charge "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FAMILY!" i scream with all i have, as i pounce on Zalgo, he didn't scare me.

But as i pounce i am simply knocked away like a fly. I hit the wall and hiss in pain, Slender stared at me horrified, and while he was distracted a long beam of wood pierced through his torso. Both me and sally stare in pure terror, before the both of us run in rage towards him. Sally is simply knocked towards the wall, landing on a knocked over part of the table, impaling her, in which she meets her imminent death. 

Tears burn down my cheeks "H-how could you?" I whisper, loud enough for Zalgo to hear.

He lets out a dark chuckle and pain shoots through my body, staring down i see a red tendril running straight through my body, black spots begin to paint themselves in my visions, like warnings signs, of imminent death. I let out a last, ragged breath, and then i was gone.


Haha sorry it was super crappy, but it's only that way because it's not a real chapter, today is the 22nd of April (2018) and  it's officially my accounts 2nd birthday! My baby is growing up!!!!

Don't worry the next chapter will come out soon enough, and don't worry, y/n name won't die. Wish my Account a very happy birthday and you guys have a great life until next time.

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