Chapter 29 - For The Love Of Family

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"Is stomach supposed ta be dis hard n' look dis bloated?? Me feel like elephant," Robyn whined, letting her entire accent randomly escape.

"Baby you look fine," chuckling he assured as they strolled down to the car, that she had asked her cousin to drop off, with their luggages in hand.

"You're my hubby, you're supposed to say that type of shit. Ugh fuck, my shirt isn't baggy enough. I don't want tha paps figuring out yet! Our fans are gonna go crazy n' I like seeing my social media apps free of our names." Slipping into the drivers seat, she adjusted the chair of the Jeep while she let her man handle the "heavy lifting" in the trunk.

"You're three months, you're slowly starting to show. It's just a matter of time."

"I know," she sighed after he hopped into the passenger seat. Shifting the car into drive, Robyn drove in direction of her mother's mansion in which they were both staying. She had gotten it for her years ago when she was really going through her emotions and hardships. She and Aubrey weren't even official at the time having that he respected the space she demanded. Those were days/times she never thought they'd be where they were currently, as in soon to be parents and married. They've definitely grown, when together and when apart, for the best.

Her family welcomed them wholeheartedly with an unnecessary surprise party. Well, unnecessary to Robyn.

They were scattered around the backyard, enjoying their time together with music, drinks, games, pool activities and much more. They've also definitely all grown onto the idea of Aubrey being apart of the Fenty bunch.

"Aubrey stop!! I'm gonna be sick!" on his back, Robyn shrieked as Aubrey spun her around. Her hold around his neck grew tighter by the second.

"What'd I say bout that attitude?" he laughed once he set her down causing her to stumble into his chest.

"Don't think I'm holding onto you purposely. I'm trying not to fall on my ass cuz I'm dizzy."

"Yeah, sure."

She wrapped her arms around him in which he pecked her forehead. She smiled before realizing her cousins were grilling her with head nods and smiles in approval. They were being all cousin-like making her all flustered and a cute shade of red.

"How's my niece, or nephew doin' in dere?" Rajad inquired as he handed Robyn a glass of fresh coconut water, just how she liked it.

"RJ I won't know the gender for a while, stop bugging me with that shit!" Robyn punched his arm in annoyance. He'd been asking her when or if she was going to book an appointment ever since he found out. He seemed more excited than the parents at this point.

"Damn sis, you still got dat force of yours," he rubbed his side with his nose scrunching up like she herself did sometimes, "you've got about twenty-three more weeks left Rob til our new family member is here so-"

"How'd you-"

"Aubrey told me," he responded quickly forcing her to glare at the guilty party.

She had specifically told him not to enclose any extra information about the due date or anything in that sort of narrowness. It's not that she doesn't trust her family, it's just that she'd prefer if the details and news remained as private as possible for the time being.

"Oh is that right?"

"Uhh, Rajad you still wanna lose at 2K later?" Aubrey changed the topic with Robyn now at his side, his arm around her hip.

Rajad faced him with an expression that could almost speak for itself. "You talk a lot of shit for an older dude," "ouu's" and chuckles could be heard around the flock of men as Aubrey laughed it off, "but I'm game if you are."

Holding out his hand, they both shook on it. Aubrey clasping her little brother's hand a little stronger than usual. She shook her head already acknowledging how they were both extremely competitive. This was definitely a game to watch or to avoid.

The men were in the game room, the women in the living room. There were quite some steps to take around the beautiful home to meet them, however their ecstatic cheers over the video game echoed in their ears, entertaining them to say the least.

It had proved to be an long night, or more so day in general for Robyn. All the talk about wedding ideas, bachelorette, an unwanted baby shower, her eye catching ring, totally had her drained and ready for bed.

"I'm going ta bed. Tell Aubrey for me will ya?" she yawned as she set her hands on her seated mother's shoulders.

The Fenty gals were still wide awake chatting, cracking jokes, drinking, some smoking, and dancing (of course) with the moonlight peering through the windows.

"Okay baby, sleep well."

After saying her farewells, Robyn dragged her feet to one of the many spare bedrooms she and Aubrey were set to share. Her mind was heavy and she wanted things lifted, now.

How could she by any chance catch any sleep like this? By the time she reached for the doorknob, she realized it wasn't an option.

Quietly, Robyn caught ahold of her car keys and made her way out of the front door. No one anywhere to be seen and no one in sight to see her.

She started the ignition and buckled up before placing Aubrey's snapback on her head. Last thing she wanted at this time of night was for someone she possibly knew to spot her. This was something she's needed to get off her chest for awhile now, and she'd clearly rather not wait till the following day. Robyn didn't really allow herself the time to think about what she was doing, but that was her problem..overthinking.

Pulling into the driveway of the bungalow she remembered so vividly from her childhood, Robyn took a much needed breather before heading up the rocky steps. She left three knocks on the door as her body swayed side to side from being a tad anxious. She loved him, no doubt, however their relationship always revolved around disagreeing, arguing, ignoring, making up, and so on, on a constant loop. She promised Aubrey a "happy family" for the baby, therefore that is what she was aiming for. Robyn was even prepared to apologize for whatever reason he was angered for in the first place. All for the love of family.

"Let's just get this over with," she mentally encouraged at the same moment the door creaked open.


"Hi daddy.."

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