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Lez go peepz.

Tords POV.
Hi. My name is Tord Tenon Larsson.(Idk middle name) Im going to Loren highschool and am the leader of red army. My hight is about 6 feet. Most people say that im too tall for my age. Which is 18. Most people know me as the bully of the school. I dont really care. Im just trying to get the school year over with.

I heard there was a new student coming in and I got a quick glimpse of what he looked like. He was REALLY short. He eyes which was strange, He wore a blue hoodie. Similar to the one im wearing. He had sat in between 4 people.We had the same class so I decided that I wanted to sit far away from him.

Toms POV (Well that was quick)
I sat in between my only friends. Min Jimmin sat in front of me, Edd sat on the left side of me, Matt sat on the right and My last friend, Pusheena sat in the back of me. We were all talking and laughing until we heard the door open. It revealed a tall masculine man. Everyone in the room gasped except for me. Everyone except for me moved to the back. The man growled at me. My friends had motioned me to come to the back. I gave them a confused look.

What surprised me the most was that the teacher was fine with everyone sitting on the floor in the back."Ya know...You really should leave" The man said kinda dissapointed."Why?" The man then looked at me with a glare. I started to sweat a little."Because im apparently the bully of the school" The man said angrly."Ok children settle down" The teacher said in a shaky tone.
        ------------TIME SKAP------------
Class was now over and I was about to walk over to my friends until someone pulled my hair."P-please let m-me g-g-go.." I said shaking a little"Why?" The familiar accent said. Then I realized that it was the same man from before...Im pretty sure people said his name was...Tord? Yeah Tord."Please! It hurts!" I was on the bridge of crying. Tears had welled up in my eyes."I dont care if it hurts. You should have listened to me when you had the chance" Tord sneered.I broke. Tears rolled down my cheeks."P-please..." Tord had stopped and dropped me. My friends had rushed over to me and practically squeezed me."ARE YOU OK??" Jimmini asked squeezing the living daylights out of me. "YEAH, DOES ANYTHING HURT?! Pusheena asked shaking me.

I just stood there holding myself."I-I think i-im f-f-fine..." After I said that they all bear hugged me."I SWEAR IF THAT BULLY TOUCHES ANOTHER HAIR ON YOUR HEAD HES GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!!" Edd said not knowing that Tord was right there."YEA!" Matt said encouraging Edd."You sure about that?" A familiar accent said.

We all looked up at the figure. Except Matt cause hes the same height."AND WHY SHOULD WE JERK!?"Jimmini said as I was hiding behind her."Because ive killed more than you could ever imagine" Tord said in a sinister tone."SO!? THATS OUR CINAMIN ROLL! YOU CANT TOUCH HIM!" Pusheena said angrly."He not yours." Tord said with a sneer."WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? HES OUR CINAMIN ROLL!!" Matt said as Edd nodded. I was still blushing hiding behind Jimmin. Matt looked at me and pointed to the door."Tom I dont want you getting hurt ok?" Matt said with a serious tone. I nodded and headed out the door.

It was lunch time and I was walking with Edd and walking to our usual table with Jimmin,Pusheena, and Matt. When I was half way across the cafeteria I was talking with Edd and I had accidently spilled my food on Tord. Everyone in the room gasped and I stood there in awe. Tord turned around and looked at me."P-PLEASE D-D-DONT HURT M-M-ME..." I said as I covered my face.

"Its fine." Tord said in a calm tone.

"HUH??" I knew everyone was asking the same question. Why isnt he beating him up?

"I-IM GONNA G-GET SOME N-N-NAPKINS!" I said as I rushed off to get some napkins. Everyone stood there in awe. Tord walked over to me and I had given him a napkin."I-im really s-s-sorry" I said in a embarrassed tone."As I said its alright." He said looking down at me.He took off his hoodie and he had nothing underneath so he was shirtless. All the girls were fangirling in the backround."My name is Tom by the way!" I said with a nervous smile."Names Tord" Tord said in a calm tone."Whoa...Thats so unique!" I said with a grin."Yea thanks..." Tord said with a blush.

Suddenly Edd had dragged me to our table. I caught a glimpse of Tord and he was leaving the cafeteria with a angry face. Huh. Wonder why hes so angry all the time."So hows the food guys?" I asked while drinking my milk since that was the only thing I had left.

"UGH. ITS TERRIBLE!" Jimmini said coughing."YEA! I CANT BE PUTTING THIS GARBAGE ON MY FACE!" Matt said sticking his tongue out."I THINK IM GONNA HAVE HOME LUNCH NOW." Pusheena said spitting her food out."Well I guess me and Tom are lucky then huh?" Me and Edd then laughed. I only had milk and Edd had cola.

We then all went too throw away our food and go to our last class. I had P.E, Pusheena had science, Edd had Math, and Jimmini and Matt had English. Ah P.E..... My worst enimy...(Mine to man) When I got to P.E I rushed to the boys changing room so I can change alone. I got there and took a shower. When I got out I got my towel to realize....I wasnt alone....Tord looked at me and pink-ish red dusted his face. I covered myself with my towel. I was a blushing mess."I-I thought n-nobody c-c-came at this t-time!" I looked away from Tord."Yeah well think again"

Tord put his hands on my hips."H-hey! What are y-you d-d-doing!" I said moving forward away from Tord."I dont know" Tord shrugged."I-im gonna go ch-change" I walked to my locker and changed. After I changed guys flooded the room. I got out....eventually....I sat on the side since I suck and hate P.E (Who doesnt) and guess who I saw who I sat next to...Yep...Tord...."Oh hey." Tord looked away from his phone and at me."U-um hi..." I said in a  nervous tone. Then we looked away from eachother.

Tords POV
"Ya'know you really should stop studdering" Im an idiot...Thats what makes him cute...NO ITS NOT SHADDUP. Whatever...."O-oh! Sorry i-if it b-b-bothers you... Ugh! I-im studdering a-again arent I...." Arg...Hes so cute...I sighed."Its fine..." "Y-you always s-say its i-it r-r-really?" Tom said a little concerned."Yep. Really its fine" "o-ok..."

We didnt look at eachother for a while. It was the end of P.E. Tom rushed out of the gym. I got up and walked to the door. I was in the middle of the hall when I heard a screech."The hell..." I looked over to see someone bullying Tom. MY Tom...I walked behind the guy and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and I sucker punched him in the gut."Oww..." He got up and tried to punch me but I grabbed his hand and slammed him against the locker then punched his nose. He was then laying on the ground bleeding.

Tom looked up at me with a confused yet releaved face."U-um th-thank you..." I looked down at the smaller male. God...He looks so cute..."No problem." I walked away leaving Tom putting away his stuff.
        ----------TIME SKAP---------
It was the end of school. Thank god. I walked out of the school and got a call from one of my dad/co-workers. I walked to a wall where there wasnt any people.


Paul:Hey red leader. We need you at the base asap. right there...

I slumped against the wall and sat there for a few seconds."U-uh hey T-Tord?" I looked up to see Tom."Yea?" Tom looked down."U-um are y-you o-ok?" I felt a little surprised but responded with a yes. Tom sighed and hugged me. I of course hugged back.

The hug felt so warm and I was so close to Tom...I couldnt take it any longer...I faced Toms neck and bit it. Surprisingly I had already found the sweet spot and abused it."T-Tord what a-are yo- A-AGH!" I chuckled lowly. I felt Tom cover his mouth from moaning. I got off his neck and he ran. Aaaww...I was just starting to have fun...

A/N TOM IS LABLED MINE OK TORD?? I really suck at writing ;-;

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