"It's what sisters do."

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Music can determine a mood. It has the influence to set a tone to an event, it can break a heart and it can lift a spirit.

Music had power behind it, it had magic and it had wonder.

Music has saved lives and reduced stress and eliminated negativity in more cases than Camila could bare to count.

Music had always been her refuge.

But even music couldn't repair her shattered heart.

Her mind transported her back to the morning, the sun had streamed in through the dusty windows of the warehouse as she fought against her girlfriend's hold to get to the bleeding little girl at the bottom of the stairs. Her struggles were for naught because Lauren had always been physically stronger than her.

Lauren had always been stronger than her.

Lauren was strong.

And Camila was not.

She saw no strength in her body as she cried and thrashed and pleaded with anyone adorning hearing ears to help her, to let her go, to stop the bleeding...to turn back time.

That's what she wanted. She wanted the last five minutes to be replayed with a different sequence of events. She wanted the kick to hit her. She wanted to fall. She should've been the one laying lifeless down there.

And then she shut her eyes and opened them to the present day again.

The present day where the soft tune of Fix You by Coldplay was humming through the speakers overhead. The present day where Lauren's hand was clutching her own but she couldn't find the strength to hold her girlfriend's back.

The present day where the coffin in front of the alter at the head of the church was too small to ever belong to the scene.

The present day where Camila was forced to watch her little sister be buried because she couldn't save her.

Okay guys, I'm kidding.

Back to the real chapter.

Camila couldn't tear her eyes aware from the scene in front of her. Lauren's hold on her still hadn't loosened and a large part of her was glad for it because she was certain she'd go tumbling down the stairs with her sister. Lauren had, however, moved both of them to the side as the police had rushed up the stairs to reprimand Maddy, though taking Lucy in handcuffs along with her.

Lucy's eyes as she was dragged down the stairs were also locked on the youngest Cabello laying unconscious on the floor, though she had caught words like 'still breathing' and 'critically condition' being sprouted from the EMT's mouths as she passed by.

Sofi was alive, she didn't know from the amount of blood surrounding the little girl, but she was alive and at that point, that was all Lucy cared about.

Maddy looked worse than the unconscious girl, Lucy had spared her no mercy in the beating as she spat blood at Lauren's shoes in passing. Her face had already showed signs of swelling and she had plenty of cuts that Lauren was sure would scar. And although feeling a little deprived of beating the girl herself, Lauren was very proud to call Lucy her best friend. She'd done what she always did, she took care of things.

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