Chapter 1

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Chapter 1       

“Aye lass,” his deep Scottish brogue sent a shiver down her spine.

“Ya smell so sweet.” Lips brushed across her wild pulse, her breath caught in her throat.  She could do nothing more than moan as they danced slowly across her skin. She offered more skin by tilting her head further into his shoulder, beckoning him to further his sweet torture.

            “I swear,” heat pooled in her core, leaving her shaking as he paused at the juncture of her shoulder and allowed his tongue to caress the heated skin, “I could eat ya up,”  just enough to have her knees shaking his teeth pressed into her as if he intended to gobble her up right there in the glen.

            Cool night air swirled around them, doing nothing to calm her wild heart as his rough hands left goose bumps in their wake.

            “Please,” she managed to get out between labored breaths.

            “Please what?” he nibbled her ear lobe, a hint of laughter in his voice. Words would not form, her mouth just sat agape as though she was dying to tell him, please take me. Make love to me here on the ground. Please make me yours. But the words would not come out; they stayed in the back of her throat and in their place came sighs full of heady pleasure.

            “Sawyer?” his mouth moved across her abused skin, but his voice had changed. Her eyes met his, passion still swirled in his deep brown depths, but once again his mouth moved and the accent that had her knees quaking was gone, replaced by a light female voice that was all too familiar.

            “Sawyer wake up,” Finn tossed a pillow toward her sisters slumbering head with a groan; “you’re giving me the heebes.” Valiantly, Sawyer tried to keep hold of her handsome hero, firmly keeping her eyes shut to the real world and trying to keep the beautiful Scottish countryside in front of her, but it was no use. “Seriously?” Finn’s voice adequately tore apart her fantasy world until all that was left was her standing on the top of an empty mountain watching as her dream world turned into a black hole.

            “I hate you,” her sleep laden voice finally rang out; her sister lounged on her bed glaring as the brunette rolled onto her back. “I was having…”

She was interrupted, “the most wonderful dream,” her sister’s voice finished even adding the wistful tone she always had after leaving her dream world.  “We all know,” she sighed, grateful as she was to get to spend time with her sister before her upcoming nuptials, she was ready for Nathan to take her home already.

            “When is the wedding again?”

Finn laughed, throwing another pillow at her sister. Sawyer had asked the same question every morning since her sister temporarily moved back in, it was their own private joke to deal with the fact that they were about to be separated.

            “Not soon enough,” Finn slunk off her bed to join her sister, and contrary to her exasperated tone she wrapped herself in her sister’s embrace, “I can’t wait to get out of the house.”

            “Hey,” Sawyer kissed her head gently, holding tight, “I can’t wait to finally be rid of you.” It hadn’t taken the sisters long to realize that in just two short weeks Finn would be married and would be leaving their childhood home to start a new life with her husband. They had dealt with separation while in college, first when Sawyer had left for University and then again when Finn had made her entrance into the collegiate world, but this was different. They had both attended college relatively close, had come home every chance they had, now Finn was moving across state and it seemed like the other side of the world.

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