Chapter 3

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"It's so beautiful," her wonder filled voice carried across the open plain.  

"It really is," shivers raced up her spine as his hands brushed the hair from the nape of her neck, "but not nearly as beautiful as you," his sweet lips sampled the skin he had exposed.  

"Always the flatterer," her breathless laugh faded as he wrapped his arms around her.  

"That's me," his lips met her skin again before he sighed. "It's time to go," she shook her head against the truth.  

"I'm not ready," his soft chuckle swept across her. "I know you're not, but you sister isn't going to wait." 

"I don't want to leave," she turned in his arms and his crystal blue eyes smiled down at her.  

"I'll see you later," his lips descended on her forehead just as her dream world began to dissolve.  

"Sawyer," his voice had been replaced by Finn's, but more horrible was the realization that her Scottish hunk had been replaced by Linc.  

"I'm sorry," her sister threw a pillow, but if it hit her she didn't feel it as she stared up at the ceiling in horror. She had been dreaming about Linc, her body was still humming as it had been in her dream and the burn his lips had produced still stung.  

"Are you ok?" FInn's hand brushed her shoulder, snapping her out of the daze. "I'm fine." she smiled up at her little sister and pushed off the bed. "Will you check on Granny this morning?" Sawyer didn’t wait for an answer, she grabbed her clothes and padded down the hall to the bathroom. The hot water would not wash away the remnants of her dream or the warmth it had left in her body. 

Bythe time she had finally left the steam filled haven her grandmother was gone and her sister was in her usual morning spot flipping through bridal magazines.  

"Are you sure you are ok?" she managed to smile at her concern before nodding, "I'm fine honey." 

"Well don't forget your heels," and it seemed her day would not be getting any better, "and have a great day." fat chance.   

She lingered in her car until the clock on her dash read 8 am and even then she contemplated driving away, calling in sick, and running far, far away, but she had already been spotted. Linc had driven up during her labored contemplation and was now smiling in at her from his car.  

"I guess I can’t hide in here forever," while she knew there was no way she could meet Linc's eyes after the wonderfully confusing dream she had, she also knew that in order to get to the door she was going to have to walk right past him.  Sawyer took a deep breath, opened the car door, and then tried in vain to walk as briskly as her confounded shoes would allow to the front door, but Linc decided to ruin her plans.  

"Nice stems Captain," she stumbled, looked down at the black heels, back at Linc, and then took off toward the door again.  

She rushed through her morning routine of flipping on the lights, skipped her deep inhale of the musty place, and all but sprinted to her desk where she collapsed in a huff. Luckily by the time Linc came into the library Melba was already sauntering toward her desk.  

"Morning sunshine," Melba smiled broadly before sliding onto her desk.  

"Morning," Sawyer managed to smile up at her, until, she asked, "how was your morning?" Instantly her smile dropped and Melba peered down at her confounded. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"Ugh," Sawyer dropped her head to the desk and groaned again. "I had a terrible dream last night." 

Melba frowned sympathetically and touched her shoulder, "Was it about your parents?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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