Well turns out I changed. I changed from being a care free bandana wearing flower child. Into a worrysome adolescent.
Walking in the halls used to be such an amazing adventure. I loved seeing new faces, learning new places and gaining new bases.
Now I walk through these halls, forgetting to stop and enjoy the smiles of the kids who dare to look up at the "mighty grade 9s". Frightened to even look back at my friends and laugh cause I feel judged by everyone even though no one is looking at me.
I would like to say it was your words that created the new me. But I can't put all that on your shoulders.
Dude, I'm probably over exaggerating. But hey don't we all.
It's just so hard when everyday I'm laughed at, cause to everyone else my cry for help is just another joke.
It's hard because I'm taken for granted.
But hey aren't we all.Writing this probably makes me sound bitter and butt hurt. And I get it, but I needed to get this all out some how. Sorry for roasting and toasting you.