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p.o.v. Taehyung

Monday, February 25, 2013

"Taehyung-ah, oi!"

Surprised I looked behind to see who was calling me. It was Hobi on his bike. "Hoseok-hyung! Why are you out that early?"

"I have my first driving lessons today. I'm so excited!" he explained smiling widely.

"Niceu, where do you have to go?"

"It's near school. How are you and Jimin and all doing?"

"Me fine. Jimin's kinda pressurized I think, we have a presentation today. And the other I don't know, nothing special happened. You can guess."

"It's still weird not being in school with you, Namjoon and I just talked about it the other day. I feel like I'm not up to date."

"Nothing happens in school, hyung."

"But if, then I wouldn't be there to film it and I bet you wouldn't think of me."

I didn't say anything.

"Anyways, we have to do something altogether sometime. I'm really missing you little kids."

"Jimin and I are free this weekend I think."

"Goood, I'll text you and please ask Yihwa and Dahee if they're free too. Bye-bye, Tae-Tae!"

"See ya, hyung!" I waved before he disappeared from my sight.


"... and here you can see some of – Taehyung-ah!" Jimin stopped babbling his text as soon as he saw me. "Have you got everything with you? Nothing forgotten?"

"Yes, yes." I sat down and closed my eyes. "You're free this weekend, right?" I asked.

"... This sounds awful but I don't know –"

"Jimin. Stop worrying," I broke in. "You're free then?"


"This weekend."

"Yeah, I guess, why?"

"Hoseok asked me. Remind me to check for Jungkook, Yihwa and Dahee later." I was really bad at remembering stuff like that. As I opened my eyes I saw a grumpy little Jimin standing in front of me, I knew why. "Yihwa understood it, Jimin-ah. And you know that Hoseok likes her, be nice."

"Doesn't mean I'm comfortable with her." Yihwa and Jimin had been a couple till about one year ago when he realized he wasn't attracted to girls.

"You broke her heart not the other way round. If something, she shouldn't be comfortable with you."

"I know, I know. I'm afraid she still likes me or is still hurt."

"Kids~", Mr. Lee yelled dramatically. "Get into class rapide." He stared at Jimin who hectically had turned towards him. That made me remember my theory from yesterday and I tried not to burst into laughter. Holding my breath I walked into the room following Mr. Lee and Jimin and closing the door behind me.


"See. I've told you." Mr. Lee complimented our presentation to heaven. "That was absolutely beautiful. Jimin, you really are talented," I quoted part of his feedback.

"I also knew we would do great." Sure, you did, Chimchim. "Weren't you looking for Jungkookie and the others?"

"In the lunch break, Chim. See you then." I headed to my next class.


In the lunch break Jimin caught Dahee as she walked past our table. Dahee was small and wore big glasses, it made her cuddly.

"Tae was looking for you." He pointed in my direction. Her cheeks blushed lightly and she looked down pinning her hazel colored hair behind the ear.

"May I join?" Yihwa appeared behind me then went around the table to stand beside her best friend. Jimin continued eating as if nobody was there.

"Hi Dahee, Yihwa. Hoseok had asked whether you'd be free this weekend."

"For what?" Yihwa asked.

"Dunno. Hanging out I guess."

"With who?" She spoke very plumply, I noticed, was she pissed off?

"Namjoon-hyung, Hobi-hyung, Jimin, Jungkookie and me," I listed.

She gave the question to the other girl: "Dahee, you want?"

"I just know Jimin-oppa and Taehyung-oppa. Who are the others?"

Jimin jumped in the conversation: "They're good friends and super nice. You'll know when you meet them."

Dahee listened but then turned to Yihwa waiting with cute big eyes for her to decide. She nodded with a little smile. One couldn't tell she was pissed anymore. Their friendship was really heart-warming. "Okay, then we'll come," Dahee said and our eyes met briefly before she looked down again. I guessed she was shy.

"And we'll eat with you." Yihwa pushed Dahee to the chair next to me and sat down beside her. Just then I spotted Jungkook queuing for the food and left the table without a word.


"Hi Taehyung-hyung. What's up?" After he got his food I led him to our table.

"Hey, Jimin-hyung," Kookie greeted him ignoring the girls. Before, he never used to call Jimin 'hyung' but ever since the older broke up with him he started to be more respectful.

"He's Jungkook," Yihwa explained to Dahee.

"Oh yes, I am. Hi noona, how are you?"

"Not that –"

"I was talking to Dahee-noona," Jungkook cut Yihwa up.

"Me? I'm fine, I guess. Why do you know my name but I didn't know yours?" the brown haired girl asked little offended. Kookie shrugged.

"I'm confused too, Dahee. Did you really miss all the times he pushed Jimin on various walls to stick his tongue in his mouth?" Dahee's cheeks and nose turned deep red and her hair fell down like curtains to cover it.

"Tae!" Jimin kicked me under the table.

"Oh, that was you. Sorry, I'm bad at memorizing names," she apologized bowing a little to the youngest.

Jungkook leaned back, the corners of his mouth twitched. Yihwa gave him kind of a death stare but he only raised an eyebrow. "Hmpf," she paid her full attention to the food after that.

"Right, Kookie: Hobi-hyung misses his little kids, he says. We need to hang out with him and maybe Namjoon this weekend," I remembered to tell him.

"With alcohol or not?"

"You're 17, you little fucker. Calm your ass and wait three years to ask him that," Jimin snorted.

Now it was Yihwa's turn to give Jungkook a sassy smile. Is it just me or are they still fighting for Park Chimchim? God, why is he so popular.


I feel like the first chapters consist of explaining only... hope it's not boring :/

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