lucas reed

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Lucas could not help but think about Amber, to Lucas she was a goddess. Lucas also knew that he came with a reputation. Amber seemed like a good girl but even though Lucas was supposed to be bad boy he could not help but feel like he needed her. Lucas knew that Amber was no good for him and all he was going to do was hurt her. Lucas snapped out of his thoughts to Amber walking pass him, quickly he got up from where he was sitting and chased after her.

"Amber wait hold on..." Lucas called after her. she stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to see Lucas walking towards her. she felt her heart start to race and her knees go weak. Once Lucas finally up close she was mesmerized by his model like features. Amber favored most about Lucas was his dimples and

his beautiful green eyes. "Amber would you like to go on a date with me" there it was again that strong accent that made Ambers mind do circles and her heart race. Amber felt as if she could melt in his arms right now.

"sure when" Amber responded sounding calm cool and collected which was totally different then what was going on in her mind.

"tonight I'll pick you up at 9 okay " Lucas replied with a sexy smirk. Amber nodded and ran all the way to her house.  Once she was in her room she started to scream and hop around every expressing how she felt on the inside.

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