Chapter Two

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"What are those lines for?" Linh asked. "Shadowing." Keefe answered as he drew the filled sitting room, that everyone was in.

Alden and Della had apparently 'talked' with Keefe's and Linh, so they weren't making out every chance they got. "Why is Tam a stick figure?" Linh asked. Tam's eyes snapped to Keefe. "It's the space he's taking up. I'm drawing Foster right now." Keefe's said, startling Sophie. "Me?" She asked looking up from brushing Myth.

"No don't move! No...." Keefe groaned. "Just go back to what you were doing Foster." Keefe said. "I can't, not while you're drawing me." Sophie said. "Fine I'll draw Fitz." Keefe said moving his pencil across the sketch book, he looked up just as Fitz tossed his book down and stood up on the couch, striking a pose. "This has always been my good side." Fitz smirked.

Keefe rolled his eyes, but they spotted Dex and Biana lost in their own world, as they leaned over Dex's desk, as he turned small palm sized gadgets. Keefe's pencil flew across his paper. Sophie smiled before going back to brushing Myth.

Tam fiddled with his imparter, as he sat on the white beanbag. Sophie watched him for a moment before he felt her eyes on him and looked up. He frowned at her. Sophie made a grumpy face making Tam give a quiet scoff, but a smile pulled his pale lips up. His imparter glowed and he looked down at the words. A smile stretching across his face he stood up and walked to his room. Sophie sighed, apparently Tam and Stina had started talking. Again.

"So what does this line do?" Linh asked pointing to Keefe's sketch. "It balances everything out, it gives me a scale of proportion." Keefe explained. "How do you know which pencil to use?" Keefe explained to Linh, with out complaining or looking bord. In fact he looked happy she was taking an interest. Sophie watched them and realized....they were empaths, just by a brush of a hand they knew what each other felt. Linh and Keefe were sensible teenagers, and they'd never jump head first into something they didn't least not Linh.

They really did like each other. "What are you thinking?" Fitz transmitted. Sophie looked up, to see him with his arms folded over the back of the couch, half his face was hidden, but he stared at Sophie with such intensity she had to look away. "Everything and nothing at once." Sophie transmitted, the bond between them was no longer a thread that could snap at a single word or mistake. It was like the thread had turned to a rope, braiding itself into her mind, weaving through her DNA and wiggling into the very essences of her being.

The rope didn't feel long, but it wasn't short either. Fitz's mind was just out of arms reach, if Sophie wanted she could the rope and she could feel Fitz's mind pulled closer to hers, allowing small bits of energy to pool between them. They had experimented with pulling each others minds closer. When they had both pulled at once, it felt as if their brains were melding together, weaving and latching onto each other. Sophie had seen the first memory in Fitz's mind, was of him and Alvar staring down at a new born Biana.

It's what had created his character, he had known he had a responsibility to take care of. He had a sister to protect. Fitz had seen one of her earliest memories that had formed her character, of who she really was, and it wasn't nearly as joyful as his.
In fact Sophie had been at a funeral, dressed in a black dress, she was allowed to lay a white rose on the small shiny black coffin. Another one of Fitz's memories came but Sophie had shoved his mind away. Both were breathless and wide eyed, their minds...they had completed training. At any moment they chose they could become fully trained cognates.

Fitz and her had talked it out and decided they wait to join minds. They both wanted to have some privacy a little longer. "I know what you mean." Fitz transmitted. His eyes never leaving her. Sophie finished brushing Myth, throwing the shed fur into the trashcan. Myth rolled around on the floor. Sophie brushed herself off, before going to sit on the couch. Fitz faced her and she him, "Can I ask a favor?" Fitz asked without using his voice. "Depends." Was Sophie's answer. "Now you can tell me to shut up and find a book to read."

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