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Kana's P.O.V.

Last night I ended up asking Fynn out and he said yes. Words can't explain how happy he makes me. Since we literally did nothing but sit on our asses all night we decided to go skateboarding, it was Fynn's way of showing me around. We had to walk to my house to get my skateboard because none of Fynn's sisters skateboard. As we walked hand in hand down my street we discussed weither or not we were going to tell our followers about Fana. We'd decided that it would be best if we waited for a bit to see how things went.

Kana- Fynn?
Fynn- Yes my love,
Kana- Have you ever intentionally hurt youself?
Fynn- No, *turns away a bit* have you?
Kana- Never, but I've wanted to.
Fynn- Okay, please never hurt yourself, not ever.

We arrived at my house, my mom greeted us and asked if we wanted breakfast, I explained that we'd be grabbing something to eat while we were out. She agreed then we left. Fynn lives in a quiet area so we headed back that way so I could get used to skateboarding again. I was going by the side of the road, and Fynn was going literally everywhere's on the road. I had warned him that it wouldn't be safe but he ignored it. Bad idea.

Kana- Fynn!
Fynn- *stops in middle of the road* What!!
Kana- WATCH OUT!!!
Fynn- Wha...
Kana- FYNN!!!

I jumped off the skateboard forgetting everything, focusing on nothing but him, I ran over and collapsed next to him, he had to be okay, please let him be okay, please...

Time skip

Fynn is still asleep, he's been out for a couple of hours, Mira had just left, so now I'm alone again, with my thoughts. The doctors had said that Fynn had only broken his right arm, and that he'd need help with getting his binder on and off. I'm just glad that that's nall the damage, if I had lost him... Stop thinking Kana! At least he's okay.

My thoughts got interrupted when I heard something moving. Fynn? I turned around, Fynn! All I wanted to do right then was run over and kiss him, but I couldn't move.

Fynn- Kana?
Kana- Hey baby.

I had to hold back my tears, I can't stand seeing him like this, in a hospital, hurt, and distant, I just want out of here, and I want him to come too.
Fynn called me over and wanted to know everything that happened and what he had missed while he was out, so I began talking.

Time Skip

Fynn got out of the hospital today, he seemed happy about it but was tired so we decided to go to his house for the night. I had only met his mom yesterday. It's a shame that we had to meet for the first time at a hospital. Fynn and I were hungry so I brought poptarts up to his room for us. When I finished eating Fynn was still eating.

Kana- What do you wanna do when you're done?
Fynn- Could you draw on my cast so it isn't so ugly?
Kana- Anything for you my prince.

Drawing on Fynn's cast took about an hour but it looked pretty damn cool afterwards.

Fynn- Woah I knew you could draw but I didn't think you were this good!
Kana- *blushes* I'm glad you like it, and you should get some sleep.
Fynn- Can you join me?
Kana- Of course

No one had told Fynn that I'd have to help him with his binder so I told him what the doctors had said. He agreed to let me help, it's not like he had a choice to be fair, so I took his shirt off and I was about to grab his binder when his expression changed drastically.

Kana- Fynn, it's okay, it's just me
Fynn- it's not you, trust me, I'm fine, just I... I remembered something, it's nothing, really
Kana- Okay, can I continue?
Fynn- Yup

I reached for his binder and lifted it over his head when I seen something? Scars? From what, no. It can't be, or did he lie to me. There were new cuts!!! Nononononono

Kana- Fynn Greyson!!!
Fynn- Kana, I can explain, plea...
Kana- Fynn, you lied to me, why would you? Do you not trust me?!?
Fynn- It's just... no one has ever loved me, and everyone has stopped liking me once they found out how messed up my mind really is. I just didn't want you to leave me.
Kana- I could never, I would never, and come lay down, we'll talk about this more in the morning.
Fynn- Okay

I helped him put his shirt back on and brought him over to his bed, when he layed down I crawled on top of him careful to do nothing to hurt his arm, and I kissed him, at first gentle then it got more intense. If his arm wasn't broken I can't imagine how far we would have gone. Thank god I only need to wait a month, thank god.
I wanted him now, and I wanted him bad, but I couldn't risk hurting him. I stopped kissing him, rolled over and cuddled into him. I whispered goodnight and closed my eyes. Right before I fell asleep I swear I heard Fynn whisper I love you Kana.

(A/N 904 words because it's been a week, I'm sorry about that, I was in the hospital one night then didn't have Internet for another 4 nights)

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